Lord of the Rings Super Genius Test

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The Lord of the Rings books have been beloved for many years, read and re-read, made into movies, discussed, and emulated. So we thought we'd come up with a quiz!

There are Lord of the Rings quizzes, and then there are REAL Lord of the Rings quizzes! We've designed this quiz to be super-challenging! So if you think you know your Frea from your Frealaf, take this quiz and find out how much you really know!

Created by: Naryna
  1. What is Tom Bombadil's wife's name?
  2. What was the date when the Nine Companions set out from Rivendell?
  3. "Pipeweed is better after food." Who said this?
  4. What is the Elvish word for "friend"?
  5. What was the name of the son of Theoden, King of Rohan?
  6. "This road and no road looks towards safety any longer." Who said this?
  7. How many years after Bilbo's 111th birthday party was it before Frodo set out from Bag End with the Ring?
  8. What was the name of Aragorn and Arwen's son, who became the next king of Gondor?
  9. In the Battle of the Hornburg, how many orcs did Gimli slay?
  10. What or who was "Durin's Bane"?
  11. How far is it from Rivendell to Minas Tirith, via the Gap of Rohan?

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