Live a life at Hogwarts p.5

So, do you want to go to Hogwarts? This is a scenareo quiz where yu can! You are put into situations and you just say how you'd react to them. Enjoy!!

Can YOU make it at Hogwarts? Or will you crack under the pressure? Can you survive with your best friend and family so far away? See how it goes and follow the story!

Created by: Starlight123
  1. Your summer went by quickly. You got plenty of letters from Ron, and you spent a lot of time with Annie. You got a call from Hermione, but she lived too far away for her parents or yours to take either of you to see each other. But you still talked on the phone. You hadn't heard from Harry or Neville, but you expected that. Harry had a really strict family and Neville had no owl. Before you knew it, it was time to go shopping in Diagon Alley again. You go with your parents, and you see the last person you wanted to see. As you walk to the book store you see Draco Malfoy talking with his mother. He sees you and looks at you. Your parents rush you into the book store. When you're in there, you see Hermoine. You run up to her and yell "HERMOINE!" She turns around and hugs you tight. She says "__________! It's been so long!" You laugh and say "well we'll be back to school soon. Have you seen any of the others?" She says "I saw Neville at the robe shop, but I didn't see Harry and Ron." You nod and say "alright. I'll see you in a few days!" You hug her again, and you go to pick up your books. You ask your parents "can I buy an extra book?" Your father asks "what book?" You say "Hogwarts: A History." Your mother says "you're reading that? It's so complex!" You say "I know, but Hermoine and I shared a copy last year and I enjoyed it." Your father says "alright then." You say "yay!" and rush off to find a copy. Then your parents have to take you to the robe shop. You walk in and Neville is still there. He sees you before you see him. He yells out "_________!" Your mother says "how many people do you know?" in a joking voice. You walk towards Neville and say "hey." He says "hey? I have not seen or talked to you for almost 2 months and you just say 'hey'?" You say "hi Neville how've ya' been?" He laughs and says "I was joking." You laugh and you talk for a minute while your parents get your robes. He sees the book bag in your hand and asks "school books?" You say "school books. And a copy of Hogwarts: A History." Neville laughs and says "really? That book again? You're turning into Hermoine!" You say "I take that as a compliment. She is a lovely person and one of my best friends!" He laughs and says "I'll see you in a few days." You say goodbye and get ready to leave. Yet again you cross paths with Draco. You walk past him and he says "hi _____." Your father stands behind you and pushes you forward. You walk so quickly your father isn't even pushing you. You exit Diagon Alley and say "I couldn't get away from that creep fast enough. I'm going to try harder to stay away from him this year." Your father nods and you spend the rest of the ride in silence.
  2. A few days later you go for the Hogwarts Express. You find Hermione already in a compartment and you enter. She hugs you and says "were back to school!" You smile and say "guess what I got." She looks at you and you pull out 'Hogwarts: A History' and she squeals. You say "now we don't have to borrow it from the library anymore." She smiles as you flip through the book. About 5 minutes Neville enters. He says "can i sit?" You laugh and he sits. You ask him "did you see Harry or Ron anywhere?" He shakes his head and says "I haven't seen them since last year." You nod and he sees you and Hermione looking at the book. He says "wow you were serious? You actually bought that?" You say "of course I did! This is my new favorite book!" Neville shakes his head and laughs. The train leaves about 10 minutes later. You don't notice until you've been gone for 45 minutes. You look up from the book and say "oh my god." Hermione and Neville both say "what?" You say "we left." Hermione says "yeah so?" You say "Ron and Harry still aren't here."
  3. You get up and search the train. When you get back you see Draco in the door taunting your friends. You stand behind him and make a gesture that says be quiet to Hermione when she sees you. Draco says "why are you even here you filthy mudblood?" Hermione looks at you. You mouth "don't listen to him!" He says "and you are such an idiot Longbottom! It's a miracle they even let you in here!" You take out your wand and Hermione makes a no gesture. Draco turns around and you are almost face-to-face. You say "there a problem Malfoy?" He says "uhh..." You smack him across the face. You grab him by the top of his robes and ask "which compartment is yours?" He points to one and you open the door and throw him in. You say "NEVER mess with them again. Or else." and shut the door. When you go back Hermione is smiling and laughing with Neville. You laugh with them and Hermione says "he's a worthless piece of crap." Neville says "never believe a word he says about any of us. Whatever he says is just meant to insult you." You pull your wand out of your robe pocket and say "do you think it's safe to do magic yet?" Hermione says "I'd wait until tomorrow." You agree and put the wand away. Hermione says "if you can keep doing things like that to Draco this is going to be a great year." You laugh and say "Hermione this is year 2 out of 7. There are going to be many great years."
  4. You talk for most of the train ride, and run for the castle when you get off the train. You sit down and watch the sorting. Harry and Ron show up AFTER the whole thing. Hermione says "where WERE you both?! Ron says "the barrier to platform 9 3/4 was closed." Harry adds in "so we drove a flying car here." You nod and Ron introduces you to Ginny." She keeps looking at Harry but does not talk to him. After the feast you go up to your dormitory. You're sharing with Hermione again! You unpack and grab Hogwarts: A History. Hermione asks "time to read?" You say "time to read." You run downstairs and open the book. After a few chapters Hermione says "isn't this absolutely fascinating?" You nod and continue reading. After a few more chapters you look at a clock. You say "oh my god." and snap the book shut. Hermione says "what's wrong?" You say "it's 12:00! we have class in the morning!" She gasps and you run up to the dormitory. You fall asleep quickly.
  5. You get your new schedule. It's the same as the others, again. You have Transfiguration, then Herbology, then Defense Against the Dark Arts, then History of Magic, then Charms, then Potions. You go to Transfiguration, and you do nothing. You go to Herbology, and you do nothing. You never understood why Neville was so fascinated with the subject. Then you go to Defense Against the Dark Arts. You have a new teacher. He spends most of the class talking about himself. After the class ends he yells out "EVERYONE! FOR HOMEWORK READ CHAPTER 1 SECTIONS 1 AND 2 IN YOUR BOOKS!" You mutter "finally, something useful." Ron says "thank god I could not get out of there fast enough." You shake your head and say "he's an awful excuse for a teacher. If by this time next week he does not teach us anything I'm going to Dumbledore." Harry says "finally a girl who can talk about something other than that pathetic excuse for a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You all walk to History of Magic together. Nothing happens. After that class you go to lunch. You all walk to History of Magic together. Nothing happens. After that class you go to lunch. You all eat, and you discuss with the guys how awful Lockhart is. After lunch you go to Charms. You're learning how to unlock a lock. You get it done on the first try, so while you wait for everyone else you levitate your lock about 5 inches off your desk and move it around. After a few minutes something crashes down on your head. You grab your head with your hand and fall to the floor yelling "OW!" Hermione jumps out of her seat and says "____________!" You see a lock on the ground next to you. You see yours still on the table. You pick the lock up from the ground and call out "WHO'S IS THIS?!" You see Draco has no lock. You say "it was you?" He smirks and says "no it wasn't" You pull your hand away from your head as you think about Draco's awful lying. Your hand is covered in blood. You scream. Professor Flitwick has Hermione and Neville take you to the Hospital Wing. You walk in and Madam Pomfrey has you lie down in a bed. Hermione quickly explains what happened. She tells Hermione and Neville to go back to class. Hermione says "I'll be back right after classes end! I promise!" You say "this is not happening. It's my first day back! And I'm missing a class where the teacher hates me." You lie there for a while, and you soon fall asleep.
  6. You wake up to a noise. You put your hand on the side of your head where the lock hit, and it's covered in bandages. You see Hermione sitting by the foot of your bed, doing homework. You decide not to disturb her. After about a minute she looks up. You say "hi." She smiles and closes her book. She says "how are you feeling?" You say "besides the bleeding wound in my head, I'm fine." She shakes her head. She says "I got your Charms homework. And Potions." You nod as you see the books next to your bed. She says "but seriously, how are you feeling?" You nod. You say "where are the others?" She says "Harry and Ron have not come by yet. But Neville was here. He's down at dinner. I ate something quick then came up so he could go down." You nod and say "where are Harry and Ron?" Hermione shakes her head and says "I don't even know." You sit there for a few minutes, then Neville runs in. He says "you're awake!" He looks at Hermione. He says "wait she doesn't have amnesia again right?" Hermione says "dear god no. If she did, I'd probably jump off the stairs." You all sit there and talk for a few minutes. Then after about minutes, Draco walks in. He puts down a notebook next to your bed and says "this is everything Snape said in class today." You say "what the hell is your problem?" He says "I felt kind of bad so I got you what you missed from class... Do you have one?" You say "if you don't leave now there's going to be another bed filled here." Hermione and Neville draw their wands. He says "I felt bad! Alright? Just take it. It's not hexed or anything." You say "open it and flip through every page." He does. You say "alright. Thank you. Now please leave." He turns and leaves. You look at a clock. You say "you guys should go, it's almost 9. Visiting hours end in a few minutes." Hermione says "we'll be here tomorrow." You say "wait I have to be here tomorrow?" Hermione says "we're not sure. But just in case..." She pulls out a huge book and hands it to you. You smile and say "thank you." She nods as they exit. You close your eyes, and almost fall asleep. Then, there is a pressure over your eyes. You can tell someone's trying to make sure you can't see them. They say "you're not the only person in the world who can do Wingardium Leviosa." It was a girl's voice, but not one you know. You squeezed your eyes shut as the pressure lifted from your eyes and you hear footsteps. When you open them, there's not a trace anyone was there.
  7. You wake up the next morning, to Hermione shaking your shoulder. She says "Madam Pomfrey said you can go to class today. Just don't get hurt." You smile and jump out of the bed. You grab the notebook from Draco and put it with your books. As you sit and eat breakfast you read it. You almost finish, but then Ron says "hey ___________ what's that?" You close it and say "nothing. Just some notes." Ron says "looking over old material?" You say "yeah." He nods and you put the notebook in your bag. You walk to class, and you're late because the staircase moves while you're on it. You grab the rail and Hermione grabs your wrist and says "____________ you're ok. You're not falling. You're safe here with us." The stairs stop moving and you dart off. Neville asks "how bad could it be?" You look ahead and whisper "you have no idea." After Transfiguration you go to Herbology. Nothing happens. You review Devil's Snare. As you're walking out Neville says "fascinating, isn't it?" You say "it's alright. But my favorite is Charms." Harry says "is that because you're Flitwick's favorite?" You laugh and say "no. It's because it's a wide variety of harmless spells." Hermione says "I like Transfiguration." You all nod as you approach the worst class. Professor Lockhart sees you and pulls you aside. He says "________ I heard from Professor Flitwick that you got an injury?" You point to your head. He says "oh my. If you didn't have a chance to read the book last night, it's fine. You also don't have to do anything today. But once you head has no bandage, you're back to work." You nod and go sit next to Neville. He asks what Lockhart wanted. You tell him what he said. You say "please don't tell me Snape gave homework?" He says "you know how bad he is. Hopefully the bandage will sway him a little." You put your hand on it and say "it hurts." After class, you pull aside Neville and Hermione. You say "last night after you left, I was falling asleep and I heard a voice." Neville says "you were tired and got hit on the head. You probably-" you interrupt "no this was a real person. They put their hand over my eyes and said "˜you're not the only person who can do Wingardium Leviosa' then left." Hermione says "it wasn't me." You say "I would know." As you walk to History of Magic you hear a voice. You stop walking. Neville says "__________ what's wrong?" You say "it was a student. I hear them." You walk and turn a corner. Pansy Parkinson is there with a group of Slytherins. Hermione says "do you think it was Parkinson?" You say "has to be. But Draco admitted to it." Neville says "we'll sort this out later, we have to go to class!" You all run to class.
  8. After class, you go to lunch. On the way, Hermione stops walking. You ask her "what's wrong?" She says "we're going to get your answer. I want to know who dropped a lock on your head. Once I say "˜now' cast petrificus totalus on Parkinson." You reluctantly agree, and Hermione says "now." You both yell out "Petrificus Totalus!" Draco and Pansy are frozen where they are. Hermione walks up and says "if I didn't cast on you, leave." The other Slytherins laugh. You step out and pull out your wand. You say "go. Now." They do. Hermione says "wow way to scare the Slytherins." You nod and she turns to Draco and Pansy. Pansy says "let us go you filthy mudblood." She looks hurt but keeps up. She says "who dropped the lock on __________'s head?" Draco laughs and says "why would we tell you?" You say "because I can report you both to Dumbledore and you can be questioned about your reasons for physical violence by the Ministry." Draco says "she's done so much to me!" You say "but I never put you in the Hospital Wing with a bleeding head." He sighs and says "it was-" Pansy says "Draco don't say it." Hermione says "Shut it Parkinson." Pansy says "why do you have reason to believe it was me?" You say "because I heard you in the Hospital Wing yesterday." She says "I never said it was me. I just said that there was no reason for you to believe that you can just show off your lame trick whenever you want." You say "I haven't even mentioned it this year!" She says "oh but you will." You shake your head and say "it was you. You want to prove your skills to Professor Flitwick so he knows there is more than 2 talented witches here." Pansy says "who's the other one?" Hermione puts her wand to Pansy's throat and says "that's it Parkinson." She says "what are you going to do? You're a 2nd year Hogwarts Gryffindor. You know nothing of hexes." You say "I can think of one. Tell me if this rings a bell. Furnunculus." Immediately her body erupts in boils. She says "FINE! IT WAS ME!" You say "I'm going to Dumbledore." Pansy says "wait! What about the boils?" Draco adds "and you're going to just leave us?" You say "well that's what it seems like." You walk towards Dumbledore's office.
  9. You see Dumbledore walking in the hall. When you see him, you call out "Professor Dumbledore!" He turns and looks at you. He says oh my, what happened to your head?" You say "Pansy Parkinson dropped a lock on my head and I started bleeding." He says "oh my." You say "but Draco Malfoy admitted to it, then she snuck into my hospital room last night and said something, then today, I sort of used petrificus totalus on them and covered Pansy in boils." He asks "how would you know that hex? You're a Gryffindor, not a Slytherin." You say "they used it on me last year. When I had all the injuries." He nods and says "you have bad luck here I guess. What can I do to help?" You say "is anything going to happen to her?" He says "I have to report her to the Ministry, and if they choose she shall go to trial." You nod. He says "go to class now." You say "yes Professor." As you get to Charms, Professor Flitwick says "ah __________! I see you have, began recovering." You shrug and say "I'm not even sure anymore." Draco goes up to Flitwick and says "Pansy won't be attending class today." He glares at you. You stand up and say "What? You think this is somehow my fault?" He says "it is. She was called down to Dumbledore's office." You say "well, I spoke to Professor Dumbledore and he said there will be a report in the Ministry about her." He says "she'll get out of it. Once I tell my father, with his connections there, she'll-" you interrupt "your father's connections this, your father's connections that, well you know what? Your father doesn't WORK for the Ministry, he KNOWS people from the Ministry! But my father does. And once he hears about this, there'll be a trial immediately." Draco walks away and mutters "if only she were Slytherin." You think to yourself "not in a million years. I'd rather die than be Slytherin." Hermione sees you and sits next to you. You tell her what happened. Then class starts. Flitwick says "given yesterday's accident, we will not all have a lock anymore." You fake cough twice, and after that say "Thanks Pansy" then fake cough some more. Harry laughs. Flitwick continues "instead I will be locking the classroom door with magic, and you must unlock it." Everyone nods. He does so, and everyone takes one chance at it. You were 13th in line. You were the first one to open it. Everyone says "he probably lifted it for her" as you walk past. You stop and say "can't I just be a good student?" You turn and walk back to your seat and put your head on your desk. Neville comes over (he was in front of you) and asks "are you alright?" You say "everyone thinks I cheat. Like a female pureblood from Gryffindor in her 2nd year can't do magic." Neville says "you know they're just jealous, right?" You nod and say "I know this stuff because I read ahead in the textbook. Then I practice it so when the time comes, I'm ready." He nods and says "that's actually really smart." You nod and say "I can't wait for next year, we learn reducto!" He asks "what's reducto?" You point to a lock on Flitwick's desk with your wand. You bring it over with Wingardium Leviosa. Then you point at it with your wand again and say "reducto." It explodes. He says "wow." After class, you're walking to Potions. You forgot to look over those notes. As mad at Draco as you were, you needed to know what happened. So you take out the notebook and start reading.
  10. As you're walking, you walk into Harry. You both fall over. You say "oh god I'm so sorry!" He says "no problem, it was an accident." You see the notebook as you gather up your books. You grab it and Harry hands you a textbook. Once you both have everything, you head down to class. Snape walks in a minute after you. Since every seat is taken except for 2 in the back, that is where you both sit. Snape sees you and says "where were you yesterday?" You say "in the Hospital Wing." He says "typical. Explain why." You say "Pansy Parkinson dropped a lock on my head and I was bleeding." He nods and says "did anyone tell you what we did yesterday?" You see Draco nodding his head at you and say "Draco Malfoy." Snape turns to Draco and says "10 points to Slytherin for helping." Harry whispers "he did what?" You say "calm down, he gave me a notebook with what happened yesterday in it." Harry says "and you took it?" You say "I had him prove it wasn't hexed." Harry says "you could have asked one of us." You say "sorry Harry, next time in unconscious I'll ask Hermione what we did in Potions." Harry sighs in frustration and says "you could have asked when you woke up!" You say "well if you wanted to help me you could have at least visited!" He says "we had homework!" You say "I know, but Hermione and Neville did theirs in the Hospital Wing." Harry said "so every time you're in the Hospital you want me to visit you?" You say "not every time and not for long, but you could at least see if I was alive!" He says "If you were dead, someone would tell me! And if I have to do that I'm going to have to go to the Hospital Wing every single day!" You sit there. You say "I can't believe you just said that. I know it's true, I get hurt a lot, but I just can't believe you had the audacity to make me feel bad about it." He says "__________ I'm-" you interrupt "just don't talk to me." He says nothing. A small tear falls down your cheek onto your parchment as you write down what Snape is saying. After class you run up to the dorms. Hermione comes in a few minutes later and says "why were you late?" You say "I walked into Harry and fell." She asks "are you alright?" You say "from that, yes." She says "what do you mean?" You say "I don't want to talk about it. Just an incident." Hermione says "who are you mad at?" You explain it to her. She says "you know he doesn't mean it." You say "I know, but it hurts that he would say it." She nods and says "wanna read? It'll get your mind off of this." You say "I'm just gonna go for a walk." She asks "want me to go with you?" You say "you have to do your homework. I'll be back soon." You get up and walk out. You walk outside, by the Black Lake. You sit down and hear a voice say "I'm sorry." You turn around and it's Draco. You say "for what?" He says "for making jokes about you, and yelling at you, and letting Pansy use my lock to do" he points at your head and continues "that. And about Pansy in general." You say "you're not sorry. No Slytherin tells a Gryffindor they're sorry without a plan to humiliate them." He says "I have no plan, just wanted to say sorry because I thought it was the right thing to do." You say "since when do you think about what's right?" Draco says "since very recently." You pause then say "In Charms I heard you mutter to yourself "˜if only she were Slytherin' and I was wondering what you meant." He says "oh you caught that? Well I uh-" he was interrupted by 2 voices. You recognize them as Fred and George Weasley. You heard Fred say "get away from her!" Draco stands up and says "I wasn't doing anything!" George says "we don't care, you're a Slytherin. So back away from her." Draco says "bye ______" and walks away slowly.
  11. Fred says "you alright?" You say "I've had a rough day." George says "what did Malfoy do to you?" You say "his girlfriend dropped a lock on my head. But at the moment, nothing. He was apologizing for her behavior." George says "well what happened today? You look sad." You tell them about Harry. Fred asks "you were in the Hospital?" You point to your head. George says "wow that must be bad." You say "you have no idea." Fred sits and looks at it. He asks "does it hurt?" You say "it was bleeding a day ago what you think? Why?" He says "I'm going to do it to her." You say "please don't." He says "fine. But if you want me to I will." You nod and say "thank you." George says "anything we can do to help?" You shake your head no. George says "Orchideous" and some flowers shoot from his wand. He says "here ya' go." You take them and say "thank you." Fred says "they're from me too!" You laugh and say "thanks guys." They both say "no problem" at the same time. You say "I should go do my homework." They nod and walk you back. You go into the common room, and see Hermione sitting down reading. She sees you and shuts her book quickly. She puts it under her chair and says "hey __________! Enjoy your walk?" You say "what're you hiding?" She says "nothing." You walk over and take the book out from under the chair. You say "Hermione Granger!" It was your copy of Hogwarts: A History. You laugh and say "you don't need to hide it! Just say "˜hey __________ I borrowed your book' next time." She laughs and nods. You see Harry coming down the stairs and Fred says "wait _________! You still interested in Quidditch?" You turn around and nod rapidly. They say "good, because you're still the Chaser." You say "but shouldn't she be better by now?" George says "as far as we know, you're still on." You say "you guys go talk to Oliver and then come find me. I'll be here doing homework until dinner." They nod and go off. Hermione sees the flowers in your hand and says "who're those from?" You look down and say "oh right. George." She nods and opens your book again. You go upstairs to get your books. When you're walking towards the dorm Ron yells out "hey _________!" You stop and turn. He says "what'd you do to Harry?" You say "he made a comment on the number of times I am in the Hospital Wing." Ron says "oh no." He looks down and sees the flowers. He says "who are the flowers from?" You say "your brothers." He just stands there. You say "I'll be right back I need to get my homework." He nods and you run up. You almost trample Ginny on your way up. You say "oh sorry Ginny!" She says "no problem." She sees the flowers and says "who gave you the flowers?" You say "god can't one person not question it? I got it from your brothers." She asks "which ones?" You say "the twins." She nods and says "makes sense. Considering that-" she stops talking. You say "what?" She says "nothing. I was thinking of something else." You say "ok?" You run up the stairs. In the dormitory, you take your box of "special things" out. You put a spell on the flowers so they don't wilt, and put them in there. Then you get your homework and go back down. You take out your books and start reading the chapter for Defense Against the Dark Arts. After seeing (not reading) all of the sections you close the book and say "I'm going to need to go to Dumbledore." Hermione asks "why?" You say "Lockhart isn't teaching us about defending ourselves he's teaching us about himself!" You move on to other homework, and about 10 minutes later the twins come up to you. George says "we spoke to Wood." You close your book and look up at them. Fred says "we're going to have a team meeting, which you both must attend to determine which Chaser to keep." You nod and say "when's the meeting?" George says "Sunday." You nod and they go. Hermione says "wait- you have an open wound on your head, but you still want to play Quidditch?" You sigh and say "Hermione. I have very little here. I have 4 friends, 2 kids who hate me, and a Professor who hates me." She says "and one that loves you." You continue "and you know how often I get hurt. Knowing me, I won't survive 7 years at Hogwarts." She says "Quidditch will put you at a higher risk." You finish "Quidditch was the only thing I had that people can't blame me for. Or say I'm the favorite for. It's the only place where people won't say "she's obviously cheating". People even do it from this house. In Quidditch, they're not trying to ruin me, they're trying to root for me." She nods and says "good luck Sunday."
  12. A few days pass by. Before you know it, it's Sunday. You attend the meeting. Oliver says "so, we have a meeting today to determine which Chaser we are going to keep, as Alicia Spinet was injured last year and was replaced by ______ _________." Everyone nods. He continues "so we need to decide who to keep. We're going to have them say something quick, then to the field." Everyone nods. Oliver says "_________ you will be supplied with a hat." You nod. Alicia stands up and says "I'll speak first. I know I got hurt last year, and you replaced me, it's what you had to do. But, I am back now and I'm ready to play. But whatever the choice ends up being, I will respect it." She nods and Oliver looks at you. You stand up and say "look, I know I wasn't on the team for long. I'm just a plain old little 2nd year. Alicia is probably stronger, quicker, and smarter than I am. She was on this team first. As much as I want to be on this team I would respect if you end up picking her instead. In fact, I'd be surprised if you didn't. But the choice is yours. And you pick what you want, not what you think everyone wants, unless it is what you want." You sit down and Oliver says "alright. Now let's go to the field." You walk to the field. You're going to play a mini-game. You and Katie Bell are working as Chasers for the red team, and Alicia and Angelia Johnson are Chasers for the other team. Fred is the beater for the other team, and you have George. The 3rd Beater is the Keeper for the other team, and you get Oliver. Harry is just going to sit there and watch. You rise up and the game begins. Whatever teams gets to 50 first wins. You start with the Quaffle. You shoot towards the other goal, but a Bludger is heading for you. George smashes it towards Alicia. You throw the Quaffle to Katie, and she takes it close to the goal. She throws it back to you, but Alicia is right behind her so she throws it back to you. You catch it and throw it through the hoop. Oliver yells "10-0!" You go again, and you get the point again. Oliver yells "20-0!" You go again, but they get the point. Oliver yells "20-10!" You go again, and you get the point. Oliver yells "30-10!" You go yet again and they get it. Oliver yells "30-20!" You go yet again and you score the goal. Oliver yells "40-20! GAME POINT!" You go again and they score. Oliver yells "40-30! GAME POINT!" You try again and they get it again. Oliver yells "40-40! MATCH POINT!" This one goes on for a while. But, in the end, you throw it into the hoop. Oliver yells "50-40! RED WINS!" You all go down to the ground. Oliver says "now we will go in and make our decision." They all go inside, and you and Alicia stay there. You say to her "Good luck." She says "you too." You say "I think it's going to be you. You're more experienced than I am and you're stronger and faster and smarter." She says "well there's plenty of stuff about you too. You're so little the people may not see you as a threat so you can go to the hoop and someone throws you the Quaffle." You nod. About 20 minutes later Oliver comes out. He brings you both back into the same room as before. You sit and he says "we have decided that the Chaser we will be keeping..." You look at everyone's faces. Harry is looking at you, but you don't look at him; you're still mad about his Hospital comment. Oliver says "we have decided to keep you both." You look up. He says "you'll alternate games. Because you are both excellent players. We just need to speak to McGonagall. You both nod and you leave the meeting. George comes up to you and says "you're welcome for suggesting it." You hug him and say "thank you so much George!" He hugs you and Fred says "where's my hug? I supported it, they almost only picked-" George says "shut up Fred!" You look and say "they almost picked Alicia? I get it." George shakes his head. He says "no. They almost picked you." You say "so you were voting for Alicia?" George says "no. I know you would have felt bad for Alicia because she's been playing for years, and we didn't want you to feel like that, so we came up with something that made everyone happy." You smile and say "what happened to the mischief?" They laugh and say "it's still here, trust me. Wait for a scream tonight from the boy's dorm." You say "what are you doing to Ron?" Fred said "we're putting some electronic spiders in his pillowcase." You laugh. You go back to the castle. Harry is walking behind you. At a point he says "_________?" You keep walking. He says "_________." You keep going so he grabs your arm. You say "WHAT?!" He says "I wanna talk to you." You say "I heard enough the other day." He says "fine then, don't listen. But I'm going to talk." You say "talk all you want I'm not replying." He says "I didn't mean what I said. I just didn't want you around Malfoy because he seems like he's up to something." You say "well he gave me a notebook after I yelled at him to leave. Now if you don't want me to do that to you leave now." He lets go of your arm and says "I'm not regretting my choice." You say "so you don't regret pointing out my pain? How much time I spend in the Hospital?" He says "no, not that. For the Chaser." You say "why do I care?" He says "I said I don't regret my choice. Why would I tell you that?" You say "a-are you saying you-" he interrupts "I voted for Alicia."
  13. You stand there. You say "I understand. And now I'm wishing they picked her, because now I have to be around you even more. Know what? I'll drop out of Quidditch. If I'm going to have to be around you then I can't do it. Maybe if you get hurt I'll take your place." He tried to say something but you said "I don't want to hear it" and went up to the common room. Ron says "I heard the news! Congratulations!" You say "I'm probably dropping out." He says "why? I thought you liked Quidditch?" You say "I do. But I can't stand Harry. Plus, there should only be 3 Chasers anyways." Ron says "you're still mad?" You say "if you knew what just happened..." He nods and you go upstairs. You lie in your bed with your face in the pillow. Hermione comes up and says "did you hear what happened today?" You say "no." She says "Filch's cat was petrified." You sit there in silence. You ask "what happened?" She says "no one knows. And I heard about the result, congratulations!" You say "I'm not keeping it." She says "why? You loved Quidditch!" You say "well Harry ruined it for me." You explain to her. She says "oh. I'm going to the library, wanna come?" You say "I'm going to sit here." She says "alright. But if you need me I'll be in the library." You nod and she goes.
  14. The next day, when you wake up, you go sit in the common room because it's still early. A few minutes later Oliver comes out with a book, parchment, quill, and ink. You say "forgot some homework?" He looks up and says "oh. Yeah." He sits down next to you and begins writing as he opens his book. As he works he says "so I was thinking about putting you into the first game." You say "about that..." He stops writing and looks at you. He says "what? You just said yesterday that you still want to-" you interrupt him and say "well I can't be around Harry. I can't be on a team with him." You explain everything that has happened. He says "women get upset about the littlest things..." You stomp on his foot. He says "OW!" You say "guys get upset about the littlest things." He shakes his head and says "alright, so you don't want to be on the team?" You say "not if Harry is there." He sighs and says "I can't believe I voted for you." You say "what?" He says "yeah. I voted for you. You had a certain spark and a drive to win." You say "well Harry put out any flame that was coming." Oliver says "and you're positive you can't work around this?" You say "I'm pretty sure. I-I don't think Harry and I are going to get past this." He says "suit yourself. But if you ever change your mind, you're always welcome." You say "thank you" and go get dressed.
  15. So you spent the day trying not to talk to anyone. Hermione didn't even notice. She never said a word to you. Neville tried to get you to talk, but you never said anything. On your way to Herbology he was saying "c'mon __________, say something!" You never replied. He said "you should be happy! You made Quidditch!" You say "I backed out." He says "why? I thought you were happy!" You say "Harry did something, and I can't believe he did it. I just can't do it anymore. And now Hermione isn't talking to me again, and it's the 3rd day of the year." He says "look, ___________, you'll never be alone. I'm always going to be here. I'll never ignore you." You smile and say "thank you, Neville." He said "that's what friends are for." You say "then none of them were ever my friends. I wish I could get amnesia again. And not remember them. I don't care if you mess up my memory and tell me lies, I just can't remember them." Neville says "I can't let you do that." You say "I know. Just, if I lose my memory again, don't let me remember them. Just tell me fake things. Then don't let me get my memory back." Neville says "I'll consider it." You say "I can't believe I ever thought they cared." Neville says "Hermione never shut up when you were in the Hospital." You say "no offense Neville but the last thing I want right now is to talk about Hermione." He nods and you say "you go on. I'll be there in a minute." He reluctantly leaves. You sit under a tree and sigh. You pull your knees to your chest and put your hands over your eyes. Soon a voice says "why aren't you in class?" It was Draco. You say "why aren't you?" He says "I asked you first." You shake your head and say "I just needed a minute." He says "problems?" You say "you don't know the half of it." He nods and say "can I do anything to help?" You say "not unless you can make pain go away." He says "I can't. I wish I could, but I can't." You say "how's your girlfriend?" He says "what girlfriend?" You say "Pansy?" He says "she's not my girlfriend." You say "sorry." He says "its fine. She's really mad at you." You say "well I'm mad at her. My head still hurts." He says "you don't understand. You don't get Pansy mad and get away from it unharmed." You say "good. I hope she hurts me. Maybe I can pass out in the Infirmary for a few months." Draco says "what happened to the normal you? The one that was always sarcastic and yelling at me to go away and always with Hermione?" You say "2 things. 1, when did you learn her name? 2, the part of me died. It's gone. This is probably going to be me from now on." He says "can I fix it?" You say "I don't think so. I think I'm broken." He says "you need to get to class." You nod and go. You go through the whole day in silence, then only after going to your dorm to cry do you remember a little detail.
  16. You take your phone and go sit in an uncrowded area behind the castle. You call Annie. She says "hello?" You say "hey" and tell her. She says "oh my god." You say "I just don't think I can do this anymore." She says "what are you going to do?" You say "I'm thinking about leaving. Coming back and going to school with you, just like we planned." She says "you belong at that school." You say "then why don't I feel like it? Everyone is ignoring me." She says "it's not the people that make you belong there it's what you are." You say "I know. I just don't think this is right for me." She says "is there another school?" You say "I think I read something about the closest one bring in France." She says "you're NOT going to France." You say "I know." You talk for a while then hang up. You sit there and get into your ball-like position and cry for a while. No one finds you. Until Pansy does. She says "quit your crying I'm trying to think!" You say "shut up Parkinson." She says "make me." You stay where you are. She says "aren't you going to draw your wand?" You shake your head no. She says "wow you got bigger problems than me then. When should I come back?" You say "just leave me alo-" you never finish your sentence. You stop talking. After a minute you say "attack me." She says "what?" You say "I need real pain to distract me from the emotional pain." She says "how's your head?" You say "I need something that'll knock me out for a while." She says "how long you thinking?" You say "long enough to make the pain go away." She sits near you and you say "what are you doing?" She says "I'm just sitting." You say "why aren't you attacking or insulting me?" She says "because I pity you." You say "I don't need pity." She says "well you have some so live with it. Now what happened?" You tell her. She says "hmm... Wanna attack Potter?" You say "why would I do that? I would never wish that upon anyone. Even someone like Harry." She says "so you've lost all of your friends?" You say "apparently all but Neville." She says "how would you like new friends?" You say "what?" She says "I guess maybe you can come hang out with me, Draco, and our friends sometimes. You already have the part about your father having connections at the ministry." You laugh and say "I'll consider it." You talk for a few minutes, then you head inside. Neville asks you where you were. You tell him you went off to call Annie. You don't tell him about Pansy. He nods and you eat in silence. After dinner you're one of the last to leave. You're walking out of the great hall when a voice says "________ wait!" You turn around and Pansy is running towards you. You say "yeah?" She says "I thought we could walk together for a little while." You say "why are you being so nice? I'm a Gryffindor." She says "it does seem weird. But, you're actually a really nice person." You smile. You're walking up some stairs when they move. You grip the rail as the memory comes back. How Neville saved you and the others just stood there. Pansy says "what? What's wrong?" You tell her about the memory. She says "you're not like them. You're more like us." You say "maybe I am..." You go separate ways when you reach the fat lady. You say the password and enter. You go upstairs and write to your parents. You don't know how to explain that you may end up hanging around the Slytherins. You just tell them that you're not so well, and about your head, and the Quidditch thing. You take your letter to the owlry and send it. On your way back you see Hermione coming from the library. You're walking in front of her, and she does not catch up. You open the portrait hole and climb in. You go upstairs to cry, only to remember you share a room with her. You decide to cover yourself with pillows and blankets so you can cry. She never says a word. The next morning, you walk slowly to Transfiguration. Then again to Herbology. Neville insisted upon walking with you. You never said much. After Herbology you walked slowly to Defense Against the Dark Arts. You didn't blame Neville for wanting to walk slowly. You hated that class. After it was over (thankfully) you went to History of Magic then lunch.
  17. After lunch you were walking slowly to Charms. Draco and Pansy caught up and walked beside you, just like Neville and Hermione used to. Pansy says "wanna sit with us today?" You say "sure." You make sure to be one of the last ones there so no one sees you sit with the Slytherins. You see so many Slytherins glaring at you. Draco and Pansy glare back at them. After class you left quickly so no one saw you. You were almost to Potions when Pansy caught you. She said "why'd you leave so fast?" You say "I don't know. I-" she interrupted "you're scared of what your house will think of seeing you with us." You say "it's not that I'm ashamed of you. You're actually really nice. But they'll judge me, and I have to live there-" she interrupts "so switch." You laugh and say "are you crazy? One, it's against the rules, two, my parents will disown me!" She says "alright." By the time you get there, there's only 2 seats left. One in the front with Draco, and one in the back with Ron. You sit with Ron. He says "why'd you come with Parkinson?" You don't respond. Ron says "hey, I'm talking to you." You don't do anything. He says "hey what's your problem?" You don't look at him but you say "you." He says "what?" You say "you asked what my problem is. The answer is you." He said "what'd I do?" You said "Hermione only talks to you and Harry now. She hasn't spoken to me since the freaking cat thing." Ron says "well what's wrong with that? Maybe she finally sorted out her priorities." You sit there in silence. He says "sorry that was out of line." You don't say anything. After class you say "never talk to me again." Then you leave. Draco and Pansy find you running outside. Draco says "Weasley incident?" You nod. You need to leave. He says "don't worry about that idiot alright? He's nothing." You nod your head. Pansy says "they're all dead to you?" You nod. She says "would you be ashamed to come hang out in our common room?" You say "am I even allowed?" Draco says "just try and cover up your Gryffindor." You ask "what about Snape?" Pansy says "he's never there." You say "a-alright." They take you to the dungeons and you go into the common room you say "it's dark down here." Draco says "watch out!" You almost fall. You sit there and talk for a few minutes then say "I need to do my homework. I'll see you guys soon." You leave and run outside. You see "the trio" walking along talking. They walk right past you. It's just like... You whisper "it's just like when they were looking for the Sorcerer's Stone." You chase after them and tap Hermione on the shoulder. She says "what?" It hurt, but you continued "what are you looking for?" She says "what?" You say "the last time you ignored me you were looking for the Sorcerer's Stone. So what is it this time?" She says "I-" Ron interrupts "she doesn't want to tell you. She finally picked good friends." You say "I thought we were all friends. But I guess I was wrong. I was wrong about you, her, Harry, and-" you never finish. Ron says "and what?" You're almost in tears. You say "I need to go see my real friends." You go inside and run towards the dungeons.
  18. You walk towards the dungeons and you see Draco walking your way with Crabbe and Goyle. They leave and he says "hey." He notices the tears falling down your face and says "what happened?" You explain it to him and he says "see? They don't care about you." You nod and say "I-I can't do this. I can't just have a life like this here. Maybe I should just-" he interrupts "don't tell me that you're thinking about dropping out." You say "I'm not sure." After arguing about it for a while you go up to your common room. When you get there you go up to the dormitory and do your homework. Hermione walks in and sees you. She says "I'll just come back later." You say "no it's fine." She comes and sits down. You close your textbook and say "you never gave my book back." She says "oh, right." You say "Hermione, what'd you do to my book?" She says "I may or may not have written in it." You yell "YOU DID WHAT?!" She says "______________, ____________ calm down!" You say "I'm surprised you remember my name!" She says "why wouldn't I?!" You say "YOU HAVE BEEN IGNORING ME FOR A WEEK!" She says "It's killing me but I'm scared alright?!" You say "SCARED OF WHAT?!" She says "there was another petrification. They were muggle born." You say "that may be a coincidence." She said "it's not." You ask "have you figured out what it is yet?" She says "I think it's a Basilisk." You say "oh I know about those. I did a report on one at school." She says "come with me." You ask "where are we going?" She says "to see Harry and Ron!" You stop moving. You say "not after what they've done to me." She said "now you have stuff with Ron? Is it about earlier?" You say "it happened in Potions." You tell her about what Ron said. She says "he's wrong. I didn't just sort out my priorities." You say "after all they've done, you want me to talk to them and help them?" She said "what if I die because you didn't tell them? What if they can't help me because they don't know?" You sigh and say "I'm using minimal detail and I leave right after." She says "I can't believe you're the same girl who was at that bonfire." You say "I'm not. She's dead."
  19. Hermione says "what?" You say "I'm not an imposter. I just meant that I won't do things like that anymore." She says "so no bigger group of friends. No more bonfires. I just want to as one thing. Who were your real friends?" You sigh and say "I have other friends too you know." She says "like Neville and Ginny?" You shake your head no and say "I thought I was talking about Basilisks." She says "right." You go and find them. None of you are thrilled to see each other. You tell them everything then leave, as said. You go down to dinner. Neville sits next to you. He asks you "what happened today?" You explain about Ron and Hermione and what happened. He says "oh." He looks away and says "Malfoy and Parkinson are looking at you. You look and, sure enough, they are. He asks "why'd you come to Potions with Parkinson today? Did she hurt you?" You shake your head no and say "she was uh, apologizing about my head. She said Dumbledore said if she did he's drop the report." He believes it. Hermione walks past you and says "thank you. It was very mature not to argue with them." You nod and she goes down to them. You have a tear in your eye. Neville says "what's the problem?" You say "I just miss her." He nods and says "so tell her." You say "I tried, but Ron started yelling at me. Seems like they're going to make her choose. And I know she'll choose them." Neville says "remember what I said. You're never alone. I'll always be here." You can't help but feel bad that you're hiding the Slytherins from him, but you know if you tell him they'll be all you have. You couldn't do that. You look at them again, then back to Neville. You know that you're going to have to choose. Someday.

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