Life As A Mule Deer Part 2

Hello. Welcome to Life As A Mule Deer Part 2. You must do Part 1 before doing this. I hope you enjoy this quiz. You might survive or might not survive.

You may mate with your crush in part 1 if you survive. I hope you do just that. Good luck! You are a Survivor! I believe in you! You will survive the harshness of Yellowstone!

Created by: Gray Alpha
  1. Did you do part 1?
  2. A few days later, Devin returns.
  3. It turns out Devin did survive. He requests to join the herd. How do you react?
  4. Buck hesitantly lets Devin into the herd. How do you react to this decision?
  5. Then a screeched howl is heard. It is a pack of coyotes! What do you do?
  6. The coyotes tire themselves out. You...
  7. Just then lightning strikes a tree. How do you react?
  8. Fire starts to spread! The herd retreats. You are separated from the rest of the herd. You...
  9. In front of you are 6 paths. Only one leads to freedom from the fire. You pick...
  10. Let fate decide (does not affect score)

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