Life and Love at Hogwarts - Pt 3

My education is up again, so that means no more daily posts! But I will post weekly, more on weekend days, so I will keep on posting, so stay tuned in!

As again, the results are the same- if you ARE requesting for someone as a result, PLEASE post it in the comments and I'll think about it. BUT THERE'S ONE RULE- NO DRACO OR SNAPE. NO DUDLEY. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU DON'T SUGGEST SUCH BAD CHARACTERS-

Created by: TheFanFicWriter
  1. You walked back to Hermione, outside the Arithmancy classroom. The corridor was empty. "(y/n)!" she said, jumping up. "Come on, before the next class comes along, or it'll be too late then!" She slipped the chain round your neck and gave the Time-Turner one turn. You repeated the same with Ancient Runes, before rushing over to Transfiguration. Mcgonagall was all talking about Animagus, and you kept your head down the whole time. She demonstrated with herself first - a grey cat. Hermione was focused on the book of all the registered Animaguses, focusing on every one. It didn't take her long to find you. "Psst," she said, tapping your shoulder. You turned red-faced, looking at the book. It read, "LUPIN, (Y/N). CALICO CAT." You put a finger to your lips, telling her not to tell anyone with your eyes.
  2. Harry and Ron didn't seem bothered at all. They weren't looking at the book, they appeared to be slowly flipping through without reading at all. The rest were somewhat the same, and the Professor took immediate notice. "What is with you all today?" she scoffed, folding her arms. "It appears to me only Miss Lupin and Miss Granger is doing their work with full will!" None of the class replied, but held their heads down. Mcgonagall scoffed. "Who's dying this time?" The class suddenly looked up, astonished.
  3. "Me," Harry said, his head down. "I see," Mcgonagall said. "Then you should know, Potter, that Sybill predicts the death of a student once a year, and none of them has died yet. Death omens are her favorite way of greeting others - I also heard from Sybill that Miss Lupin has had an 'illusion' from the future that is possibly true or false. Seers are very rare, mind you, and we might have to further look into this." You looked slightly surprised, then buried yourself in a book, trying not to go red.
  4. At lunch, Ron was still fretting. "See, Ron?" Hermione said, reviewing her Arithmancy. "It's not a Grim." Ron shivered. "B-but Hermione, my Uncle Bilius... He saw the Grim, and he died 24 hours later!" You scoffed. "I still believe it's a dog! Carefree and happy - even if Trelawney says I'm wrong, it doesn't mean she's always right, my uncle said that he noticed I made small predictions from a young age, anyway." Ron rolled his eyes, then turned to Harry. "Harry, have you seen the Grim?" You were very surprised by his answer. "Yeah, once, just before I was picked up by the Knight Bus." You frowned. "Was it a big black dog, a scruffy one?" He nodded. "Yeah." Without a response, you stood up, slamming your Ancient Runes book close. "I'm going to the library to see more on Divination - I think Professor Trelawney's class was complete rubbish. They should get a new teacher for Divination, even Professor Vector would do fine!" Hermione quickly tailed after you. "She's right, you know," Hermione said to the boys. "Divination would make more sense with another teacher. I think it's very woolly, so I might as well study Arithmancy more!" Ron frowned as the both of you left. "What?"
  5. You marched round the library, hiding yourself between the shelves. Hermione was seated at a table, studying hard. It didn't take you very long to find a close friend who was no doubt stalking- "You stalking Cho again, are you?" you said quietly in Cedric's ear, scaring him. He was dreamily watching Cho study alone, before falling backwards in his seat and having most of the books from the shelves in front of him fall on top of him. Dust exploded from the pages as Cho suddenly looked up, startled by the noise. "Oi!" Cedric said, brushing himself off. "There wasn't a need for that!" You scoffed. "Yes, there was a need for that!" you mocked his tone, yet offering him a hand up. He took it reluctantly. "Well, I haven't got time to let you scare me like that, I've got to-" "Ask Chang on a date to Madam Puddifoot's? Knowing you, you might ask her to the middle of the Black Lake instead! Or on top of the moon!" Cedric rolled his eyes at the compliment. "I'll prove it to you!" He walked up to Cho's table. Cho was busy, buried in her textbooks, but looked up when she heard the chair scratching against the floor. "Oh!" she gasped, blushing when she saw Cedric. "Hi!"
  6. You felt a tint of jealousy shown in your cheeks, but you ignored it. You palm-faced yourself as Cedric didn't respond to Cho and continued to drag the chair out. Very slowly. "Um... Take a seat if you want," Cho said awkwardly, staring at the chair screeching on the floor. "So..." she said, trying to start a conversation. "Study date!" you whispered excitedly as Hermione joined you. "DyawannagowifmetoMadamPoodiffots," Cedric said without brake, cutting Cho out. Cho looked bewildered. "I'm sorry?" Cedric took out his hanky, as to look as if he was to clean his face, but failing miserably, clearly hiding his tomato-red face. "Er... Do you want to-" he paused, whipping around for advice. "ASK HER!" you hissed, disappearing so Cho wouldn't see you. "Yes?" Cho said excitedly, urging Cedric to go on. "Do you want to help me whiff out ham out of my pots?" Cedric said awkwardly, still nervous as ever. You palm-faced yourself again. "No!" you whisper-screamed. "Er- okay, so we take out the ham from your pots?" Cho said disappointedly, putting down her book. "What? No, I mean- er-" Cedric spluttered. Before Cho knew it, he had run off without another word. You groaned very loudly.
  7. "That was an epic fail," you hissed at Cedric, as he lay moping on the floor. "I don't think I'll ever do this," he said sadly. You jumped away. "Ew, don't expect sympathy from me!" you said teasingly. He didn't, either way. "We probably have to practice it out," he said, still moping. "No way! YOU'RE the one practicing, not me! Even a Flobberworm would do better!" you scoffed. "Thanks for the encouragement," Cedric said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Eh- I don't really get much thanks, anyway you were forgetting something." "My confidence?" Cedric guessed. "No. Your Quidditch Team Practice. Aren't you Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain this year?" you said nonchalantly, popping a few jellybeans into your mouth. "What? Quidditch Practices are on Fridays and- hang on. It's a Friday! Oh, geez-" He ran out of the library at top speed, all the way to the Quidditch pitch.
  8. "Sounds like Diggory likes Cho," Hermione said. "And here's the scoop!" you said excitedly. "She likes him back!" You squealed loudly. "Who wouldn't?" Hermione said dreamily, getting lost in her thoughts. "He's very charming and smart, he helped me with one of my exams once..." You spat out your pumpkin juice. "WHAT?!" Hermione looked shocked at your sudden surprise. "Well, he said that he did that to everyone," she said. "But like I said, he's very smart. Gotta a hell lotta knowledge in that head of his."
  9. You and Hermione walked all the way to the Care for Magical Creatures. There, Draco was still teasing Harry, from a tree. He screamed and pointed at something in the sky. "Dementor!" he said as all the Gryffindors suddenly turned around, fear in their faces. No Dementor. You didn't bother to look, knowing your cousin, but yanked him down the tree. "Ouch!" he said, falling face-down on the ground. "MY FATHER WILL-" "I'll get you a bag of those levitating sherbet balls from Honeydukes once we get to go to Hogsmeade," you said in a mocking voice, bribing him. Draco shut up immediately - you knew that Uncle Luscius and Draco had a yelling match over the holidays, because Uncle Luscius didn't want Draco going to 'that Mudblood infested place'.
  10. Care of Magical Creatures - the biting books weren't such a great start. "So... No one managed ter get their books open?" Hagrid said, looking around. It had turned out only you had managed to get your book open. You had figured it out when Hagrid had sent you one of them, knowing that you would be spending your entire summer in St. Mungo's. The whole hospital had become complete chaos when a nurse saw you (weakly) trying to attack the book when it had given you a sharp nip. While attacking it with a broom, the broom had stroked the spine of the book, then it fell open. You unbound the Spellotape (just for a precaution), avoiding the sharp teeth of the book then stroked the spine. The book fell open easily. "Well," Hermione said. "I thought they were funny." "Yeah, real funny!" Draco scoffed, but with a sharp glare from you, he had shut himself off. Hagrid led the class to a field. There wasn't a creature in sight, but the clopping of hooves heard, then clearly, a whole flock of half-eagles, half-horses came, looking at the class with grey eyes. No doubt, Hippogriffs.
  11. Haha, Part 4 will be out next week, sorry for the wait. As mentioned earlier, my education has started again so I will only be posting once a week, preferably on a weekend day. Wait for school holidays for daily posts!

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