Life and Love at Hogwarts - Pt 2

Haha, Part 2! By the way, I forgot to let you know that you are THE SECOND CHOSEN ONE. You have a scar as well, on your wrist. More excitement, the better it is!

There is still the same results, and remember to take Part 1 first or you might not understand some stuff mentioned in this. Hope you have lots of fun taking this and hope you get the results you want!

Created by: TheFanFicWriter
  1. There was a Dementor stationed at the entrance of the school. Even though you knew it was blind, you felt as if it was ACTUALLY staring down at you. You hurried away, not even noticing you were clinging to Harry's arm in fear. At the entrance, Mcgonagall was waiting there for you, Harry and Hermione. "Ah! There you are, come with me, you three - Weasley, go join the other Gryffindors." Mcgonagall led you down a corridor, where Madam Pomfrey was waiting for you. "Attacked by a Dementor!" Madam Pomfrey gasped, grabbing a bar of chocolate. "And fighting off one isn't easy either! You two, eat this-" "Professor Lupin already gave us some," Harry said. Madam Pomfrey gasped in relief. "Finally, a professor who knows what he's doing!" she sighed. "Well, Potter, you're good to go then," Mcgonagall said. "Granger, Lupin, stay with me."
  2. As soon as the coast was clear, with Madam Pomfrey out of the way, Mcgonagall produced a Time-Turner. It was an hourglass on a chain. "You both are taking extra subjects, aren't you?" she said. "Yes, Professor," the both of you said im sync. "As you know, I already wrote to you about this. A Time-Turner will help you manage your subjects altogether. Use it ONLY for your subjects, nothing else," Mcgonagall said. You helped Hermione chain it round her neck (as you were very clumsy and might lose it) then walked out of the corridor to join the others. Draco was already teasing Harry. "Is it true, Potter? You fainted?" "I fainted as well, Draco," you said sharply. "Don't forget we're still cousins. Telling your father about me won't help, because Narcissa will be there." Draco shut up, muttering something, then turned away.
  3. Breakfast the next day was very rushed. Ron peered into Hermione's and yours timetables, while Harry was ignoring the Slytherins who were making a joke. "(y/n), Hermione, are you sure your timetables are correct?" Hermione sniffed. "Of course they are!" "But look, you've got Divination and Arithmacy and Ancient Runes at 9 o'clock altogether!" Hermione stared at Ron with a sharp, powerful glare. "We've got it all with Mcgonagall." "But-" "Ron, what's it to you if our timetables are a bit full? It's ridiculous to take three classes in once, I think you're having hallucinations. Perhaps you had better go see Madam Pomfrey!"
  4. You entered the Divination classroom with your three friends. "I'm very excited about this," you said joyfully. Taking a seat, you waited for the professor. "Good morning, my dears," a misty voice said and a woman came out from the shadows. She had glasses with lenses so thick they were magnified to the size of tennis balls. The bangles clinked together as she waved her wrists about and her clothes looked very heavy. "How wonderful it is to see you in the real world at last. You especially, Miss Lupin." The professor drifted over to you and took your hand, staring into the prints of the palm. "Your mother was an excellent Seer herself... And so will you..." she said dreamily. You pulled your hand away uncomfortably, and the professor drifted back to her place.
  5. "Now, drink to the bottom, just leave a bit for the tea leaves to tell your fortune, and let your partner read it for you." Hermione stared into your cup - "Well, there's a sort of cloud there - it means dream, and a heart - that obviously means love. So your future might mean that the one you end up with could just be someone from your dreams." You turned red. "Well, yours... There's a cupboard... I don't think I can think of anything that means 'cupboard', but there's a big black thing there - fear! Hang on, fear... Cupboard... Ahhhh, that makes more sense." Hermione frowned. "What?" You grinned cheekily. "You'll be facing your worst fear - from a cupboard." Hermione sniffed. "That doesn't make any sense, are you sure your reading it right?" Trelawney drifted over, gently taking Hermione's cup. "Miss Lupin is correct, you will face your very worst fear from a cupboard."
  6. "I think it's a sheep," Ron said. You flicked through the book, trying to help. "It's a four legged animal, that's what I know. Maybe it's a bear? No, the tail's too long... Definitely not a cat... Maybe it's a dog! Dog, meaning is that you'll live a carefree and happy life! That's a good thing, isn't it, Harry?" Harry looked at it. "Yes, but this 'dog' in my cup looks larger!" You looked at it closely. "Yeah, it does. Maybe it means a longer carefree and happy life?" Harry frowned. Trelawney swept over, swerping the cup in her hands. "Let me help you," she said. She suddenly shrieked, dropping the cup back onto the table. "M-m-my d-dear, you have the Grim!" she gasped. You dropped your Divination book, mouth wide open. You stared into the cup. "Are you sure, Professor?" you said, calming. "It still looks like a dog... A dog... A... Oh." You dropped the cup on the ground, suddenly staring into blank space.
  7. The room began to blur out, and visions happened. You were in a dirty shack, with a black dog. You were holding Scabbers, Ron's rat. The black dog looked oddly like the Grim. You shuffled back frantically, but to your surprise, it transformed into Sirius Black. His Animagus. You gasped as suddenly another vision came into view. "James and Sirius... They had a bond like no other. You know, Lily once saw the black dog riding on the red stag. She thought she was having illusions," Uncle Remus told you when you were eight. "But dear old Sirius is in Azkaban now. But I'm telling you, (y/n). He's innocent. He'll get out and fight for justice." You nodded, believing every word.
  8. You gasped as reality pulled itself together in front of you. "My dear, your mother has had this before! Tell me what you saw in your visions!" Trelawney said, waving her hand over you. "He's innocent!" you yelled. "Sirius Black! He's innocent! I'm telling you!" You breathed heavily. "He's innocent," you whispered. Trelawney looked very startled and stumbled back, while everyone stared at you like you were mad. "(y/n)," Harry said softly, "he wants to kill me... Are you sure?" You nodded. "I'm sure! Sirius Black- there's been a terrible mistake! He must be wrongly accused-" The scar on your wrist suddenly began searing with pain. You screamed in pain, then fell to the floor as the scar became red.
  9. You left the Divination classroom, as Trelawney told you to go to the Hospital Wing. She was certain that the visions you had were just illusions. You held your wrist, focusing on the raw red coming from it. You didn't notice you had bumped into someone. "Oliver!" you gasped, getting up quickly. "Sorry!" "No, it's okay," he said, then paused. "You coming to practice for Quidditch?" You grinned. "You know the whole team always does." He turned bright red. "No, I heard about the Dementor attack on the train, so I thought it was better if you rest up, but then I heard you were okay, so I was unsure what you would be doing." a small smile spread on your face. "Listen, Wood, I would never miss a Quidditch practice for the world." Wood smiled. "So you're coming then?" "Duh!!!" you said, continuing your way to the Wing.
  10. Madam Pomfrey was bewildered when you started yelling how Sirius Black was innocent. "He's innocent, Madam Pomfrey!" you yelled out, as you were seated on the Hospital bed. "Eat this," Madam Pomfrey said, giving you some medicine. "You won't be so crazy on that later. I can't wipe your mind, you'll still have the memory, but this should easen it." You looked unsurely at the thick liquid on the spoon, but stuffed it down throat anyway. You instantly stopped blubbering on about it, and Madam Pomfrey sent you off, you feeling a lot more calmer, and stop obsessing about the silly little vision.
  11. Okay, Part 3 will be out soon, mind you. More or less, Cedric will be mentioned (for Cedric fans) and comment and rate!!!

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