Lego mario quiz

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WELCOME TO THE LEGO MARIO TEST! You will have many challenges such as levels, creator, date, AND MANY MORE! I hope you do well player and become a god!

the scores is NOOB,PRO,HACKER,DEVIL,LEGEND, and GOD at lego mario! I hope you get god player! Also there is what should be in lego mario in this quiz.

Created by: Seth of
(your link here more info)
  1. Who created lego mario?
  2. What is the biggest lego mario set?
  3. When was lego mario created?
  4. Should lego luigi be created for multiplayer?
  5. What is the first level of lego mario?
  6. What is the funnest thing in lego mario?
  7. Random question because running out of ideas. What is my favorite color and what is my gender?
  8. What is my age?
  9. What is the power up packs for lego mario wave 2?
  10. What is my favorite food?

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