What Mario character are you

What Mario character are you? I hope you enjoy the quiz it's not too hard just simple life questions Like would you wear overalls Yes Never In a bet

Are you heroic Mario Awesome luigi Pretty peach Agile daisy Evil bowser Greedy wario Fun yoshi Crazy toad Barrel bashin DK Or none of these people Why am I asking you all these questions

Created by: Adam

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your dream "job"?
  2. Fav color
  3. Would you grow a mustache
  4. The city is burning down you...
  5. Do you have a big
  6. What do you wear
  7. What's your go to phrase
  8. Shoe color
  9. Fav Mario game
  10. Would you wear overals

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Quiz topic: What Mario character am I