KSI-Can You Keep Up

I made this quiz because I've been watching KSI for quite some time now and I though that I should make a quiz based on one of the greatest you tuber the world in my opinion.

Are you a genius? Do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!.

Created by: Minecraft1
  1. What colour did he dye his hair?
  2. What colour eyes does he have?
  3. How many raps has KSIs made?
  4. How many q&a s has he made?
  5. What does it say on his hats, tops etc.
  6. What car does he have?
  7. Who is not in the sidemen?
  8. How many youtubers are in the sidemen?
  9. What console does he prefer?
  10. What player does he prefer?

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Quiz topic: KSI-can I Keep Up