Know Your Game: Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley is a peaceful farming game, with a small mix of life. This is a quiz to see how much you know, and if your better. Because if everyone a pro?

No. Let's see how well you can do! Just a heads up, there may be some questions that may seem harder to others, but only because the answers are way into the game. So, let's see if you can ace this test!

Created by: GirlGamer64
  1. What is a pet you can get in Stardew Valley?
  2. What two people introduce you to the town?
  3. Who is a person you can marry?
  4. What do you give to a person to ask them to marry you?
  5. How many children can you have or adopt?
  6. How do you get the Galaxy Sword?
  7. How many times can you upgrade a coup or a barn? ( Including when you buy it. )
  8. How many hearts does bachelors and bachelorettes have BEFORE you give them a bouquet?
  9. Who gives you the blueprints for a furnace?
  10. What time must you be in bed before you pass out?
  11. How do you change your appearance in-game?
  12. Who gives you your first fishing rod?
  13. Once Robin builds you a slime hutch, who gives you your first slime egg?
  14. How many hearts do people have in Pelican Town who are already married?
  15. How many bundles are there to complete in the community center?
  16. Which below is a crop you grow in summer only?
  17. How many chickens or cows can you hold in a level 1 ( Newly built ) barn or coup?
  18. Last, how many people are there not including the Wizard, Dwarf, etc.( As in the introduction quest, how many people do you have to meet? )

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Quiz topic: Know my Game: Stardew Valley
