Justin Bieber or Taylor Loutner

Who do you like more Justin Bieber the hot 16 year old singer or the 17 year old twilight werewolf (and younger Sharkboy from Sharkboy and Lavagirl) Taylor Lautner...

Hot singer Justin Bieber or twilight boy taylor lautner... You get to pick who you adore more... They are both hot and its you disision who you like more and why.

Created by: stephanie
  1. How much do you like Justin Bieber?
  2. If you had to pick who would you like to meet Justin or taylor?
  3. What do you like about Justin?
  4. What do you like about taylor?
  5. How much do you like taylor?
  6. Do you like warewolfs or singing...
  7. What did you first notice in Justin when you saw him[anywhwere]
  8. What did you first see in taylor?
  9. Who do you like more Justin or taylor?
  10. Who do you think is cuiter and nicer?

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