Jade mountain love quiz!

This is my first quiz. PLEASE no hate. You play as a female Nightwing named NightWatcher(It’s the only thing that came into my head) And you can fall in love with a female or male, it’s up to you.

If you don’t like the idea of this or don’t want to play as a female, please exit the quiz, if you stick around be prepared. Yet again. Do. Not. HATE.

Created by: RedKitten
  1. You have landed outside Jade mountain, everyone has someone dropping them off, you don’t. A Mudwing walks up to you. He asks for your name, how do you respond?
  2. No matter what, you try to fly away. The Mudwing grabs your tail and tells you his name is Alder. Now he’s looking at you, waiting for you to respond
  3. A teacher flys up to you and Alder, Alder asks the teacher for your name, they reply, stating that your name is NightWatcher.
  4. Guess what? TIME SKIP!
  5. You have met all your clawmates, the Icewing is Icefall, the Sandwing is Sandstone, Alder is the Mudwing, Lilac is the Rainwing, Sapphire is the Seawing, and Eagle is the Skywing. You feel a warm talon touch you, waking you up. It’s Eagle. He grabs you and starts dragging you. He tosses you into a cave, he questions you, asking you if your a spy for the Nightwings.
  6. Eagle doesn’t look convinced, and locks you in the cave, you have no choice but to spend the night there.
  7. You wake up the next morning, there is much noise in the hall, the final gong goes off and you’re still trapped in the cave, and it’s gotten very cold.
  8. You passed out. You later wake up in your dorm with Sandstone laying next to you. “You were out for a while.” He said. “How long?” You reply. “The whole day.”
  9. You see Eagle walking into the dorm, he has a look of guilt in his eyes. He puts a note by you. You opened it and it said, ‘Meet me outside?’
  10. Guess what? THIS IS THE END! You most likely won’t get the ending you want, YET! There WILL be a part two.

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