Jack Massey Welsh

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join this server ip play.skycade.net (if u have minecraft)also dont sub 2 this man[no urls] i need to beat him also if u a kid dont watch his diss on me cuz it swears right scroll down to the next 1

no more yacking about that now know this this is a quiz for fans and people who wnat to play this quiz only thnx go sub[no urls]?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid

Created by: JackSucksAtLife
  1. What is my real; name hint in the title
  2. Have i done a diss track
  3. How many channels do i have
  4. What is my favorite website
  5. Do i have 2 dogs WHICH FULLY BELONG TO ME
  6. How many subscribers does my latest channel have (turd boi420)
  7. How many subs does jack massey welsh have
  8. How much subs does my main channel have
  9. How much subs does JackSucksAtStuff have
  10. last 1 how much subs does JacksucksAtGeography have

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