Are you a Miecraft Pro?

Thank you for taking my quiz. My gamertag is MCEms921 on Minecraft PC and go to YouTube and look up CaRnAgEgAmInG to check out his channel Thank you for taking my quiz. My gamertag is MCEms921 on Minecraft PC and go to YouTube and look up CaRnAgEgAmInG to check out his channel

Check out the YouTube channels of Stampylongnose, TheDiamondMinecart, iBallisticsquid, PopularMMOs, LD shadowlady, and AmyLee33. BUT ESPECIALLY STAMPY AND SQUID

Created by: Emily

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which of these signs does NOT tell you Herobrine is in your minecraft world?
  2. Which of these YouTubers are the most EPIC
  3. Which of these are NOT a mob in Minecraft?
  4. Where did Minecraft originate?
  5. Which of these is NOT a real Minecraft mod?
  6. How do you craft a cake in Minecraft PC?
  7. What changes about wolves once they are tamed?
  8. Which of these are pumpkins used for?
  9. Almost done with the quiz! Which of these mobs are always hostile?
  10. YAY! LAST QUESTION! How many saplings does it take to smelt 1 piece of iron in a furnace?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Miecraft Pro?