Is your warrior cat oc a mary sue

I dont know what to say other than,dont take this seriously and please have fun!This is just a joke and im sorry if i offend anyone.HAVE FUN!!!!!!!*Ignore this*

Im sorry about any grammar mistakes i have made,im not the sharpest tool in the shed and made this at 4:00 Am.Bye!IMMA GET SOME SLEEP!!!Ignore this:hf

Created by: Feet
  1. Does your oc's name have any of the following:
  2. What is your oc rank?
  3. What does your oc look like?
  4. How many love intrests or mates have they had?
  5. (Role play time!) Imagne your oc caught their best friend in a forbidden relationship,they are eventully in a situation where the leader wants to know if the best friend was sneaking away,first cat to respond becomes deputy!What does your oc do?
  6. what is your oc's backstory?
  7. What is your ocs eye color
  8. why did you create them
  9. Did you like the quiz? (dosnt affect score)
  10. im sorry about my spelling errors!I made this at 4:00 am lol

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Quiz topic: Is my warrior cat oc a mary sue
