Is your personality more like q or u from preschool prep?

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Do you want to speak Spanish like speedy Gonzales? Take this survey with 2 lowercase letters that are iconic to be like in this Spanish version of meet the letters.

Which Spanish character are you mostly like? Take this survey and see which one mostly fits you for yourself in the future when you learn a new language.

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. Are you an animal?
  2. Are you food (fruit mostly)?
  3. Mario or Luigi?
  4. Spongebob or Patrick?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What do you like in annoying orange?
  7. Are you tall or short?
  8. What is your arch-nemesis?
  9. Peach or Daisy?
  10. Are you scared and/or sad?

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Quiz topic: Is my personality more like q or u from preschool prep?
