Which Preschool Prep character are you?

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This PPC survey limits two characters, one from meet the shapes and one from meet the phonics: blends. Which one are you? Take this survey and find out for yourself...

What are you in the preschool prep company universe? Are you a shape or phonic blend? Take this survey and see who you really are? Are you the main guy or the second main guy?!!!!!! =D

Created by: Kathy Oxley of PPC
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your gender?
  2. what is your favorite color?
  3. Who is your best friend?
  4. Do you have letters in your body?
  5. Spongebob or Patrick?
  6. Do you win at death punchies?
  7. Are you an orange?
  8. Do you live in space?
  9. Pick a video game.
  10. What do you do in your free time?
  11. Special question of the day... do you like Unicorns?
  12. And last but not least... if you see a shark, what do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which Preschool Prep character am I?
