Is Your Mum Toxic?

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Hello, and welcome to my quiz! I really hope you like it! It's all in the title. Are you the child of a toxic mother? Here's where to find out, in this quiz!

What is a toxic mother? A toxic mother is a mother who consistently ignores your stated boundaries, withholds love, or invalidates your feelings in any way.

Created by: Blondie :)
  1. Does your mum ever hit you?
  2. Does your mum prefer your sibling(s)?
  3. Is your mum jealous of your achievements?
  4. Does your mum ever copy you? (For instance, if you went in a shop and you liked something, she'd then say she liked it)
  5. Does your mum yell at you?
  6. Does she feel that, what's yours is hers too? (Money, etc)
  7. Do you feel like you can't talk to her?
  8. Who do you love more?
  9. Do other people say your mum's being nasty to you?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Is my Mum Toxic?