Is your life and mine the same "normal"?

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Hello there, fellow strangers! Take this quiz if you want to see if you are similar to some other person on this strange Earth, or if your just bored. ^.^

Don't be shy, take the quiz.. I know you want to.. It's super fun and the worst that can happen is you possibly being ever-so-slightly traumatized Γ™wÚ

Created by: Eerie
  1. On average, how many friends to you talk to every/every other day?
  2. Do you see figures that aren't there?
  3. Do you hear random whispers?
  4. Do you talk to yourself?
  5. At this point, do you think I'm insane? (won't affect your score)
  6. Are the majority of your friends the opposite gender than you?
  7. Pick one that applies the most to you.
  8. On average, how much do you think you sleep?
  9. I'm out of questions. Pick a thing.
  10. KK, have a good day fellow people. Unless?

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Quiz topic: Is my life and mine the same "normal"?
