Is your house haunted? | Comments

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  • Your house is likely to be haunted by a shadow ghost or a dark entity. These ghosts usually appear as a shadow of some sort. These ghosts are usually spotted out of the corner of the eye or as they are darting through a wall. They are sometimes spotted in a mirror as well. They are mostly found in homes and are sometimes spotted outside, but they are seen at a distant. If your house is haunted, then it is likely to be haunted by a shadow ghost or dark entity! QUESTION:ARE THEESE GHOSTS EVIL???!!

  • Your Result: Vortex (funnel ghost)

    Your house is likely to be haunted by a vortex or funnel ghost. This type of ghost is strange and mysterious. They usually take on the appearance of a swirling funnel shape when moving about. They are mostly spotted in homes and other buildings, but this is very rare. If your house is haunted, then it is likely to be haunted by a vortex or funnel ghost!

    omg cool! i offen feel as if some one/some thing is watching me i have since i was little and some times i hear sounds e.g. foot steps, knocking randomly when i know no ones there its creepy i always HATE videos with crying in them idk why tho theres also a lot of hot/cold spots in my house could that be ghosts?

  • Your Result: Shadow ghosts (dark entities)

    Your house is likely to be haunted by a shadow ghost or a dark entity. These ghosts usually appear as a shadow of some sort. These ghosts are usually spotted out of the corner of the eye or as they are darting through a wall. They are sometimes spotted in a mirror as well. They are mostly found in homes and are sometimes spotted outside, but they are seen at a distant. If your house is haunted, then it is likely to be haunted by a shadow ghost or dark entity

    =D this is awesome!!! =D i knew it!!! i hope the Ghost Adventures Crew comes!!

  • A vortex ghost. Not really. Once, I thought I saw a animated/graphic or something lady with blonde hair in the washroom, and once, when I was like, seven or something, one of my doll's arms moved without me touching it. Another time, I saw a hand touch my shoulder, but no one did. Which was terrifiying.

  • I got no ghost, but I'm not sure. Sometimes I feel like I'm being watched when no one is home and I may have seen shadows out of the corner of my eye.

    Also, is there a reason for the cap on a milk jug (tightly sealed I think) to just fly of and land a little ways away? If anyone knows, please respond!

  • Shadow ghost,I have had way to many things happen to not believe my house is haunted but I honestly don't mind it. The ghost is usually pretty chill and hasn't done anything to horrible. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • It was yes to all of these questions! I looked In my mirror and saw a shadow, my phone lavitating, and my reflection smiled creepily when I didn't smile! Everyone thinks I'm craz when I tell then this but its ok true! This test said its ok a showow ghost! Oh dang, my lights just turned off, what do!?

  • It was yes to all of these questions! I looked In my mirror and saw a shadow, my phone lavitating, and my reflection smiled creepily when I didn't smile! Everyone thinks I'm craz when I tell then this but its ok true! This test said its ok a showow ghost! Oh dang, my lights just turned off, what do!?

  • It was yes to all of these questions! I looked In my mirror and saw a shadow, my phone lavitating, and my reflection smiled creepily when I didn't smile! Everyone thinks I'm craz when I tell then this but its ok true! This test said its ok a showow ghost! Oh dang, my lights just turned off, what do!?

  • oooooooooeeeeeeeooo ooooooo

    great quiz once again Kish and i got dark entites> which is creepy because i think i can "see" spirits. ine time i wa sin the classroom with my best guy friend and i said "am i the only one who sees a lady by the blackboard" and he likes all the sifi stuff and so he said"stp trying to fool me, you and i know that there s no one there" and i could have sworn i saw a woman with white hair floating by the blackboard.

    an d ive been in other occurances like that one ALOT

  • Um I got a shadow ghost so true I actualy saw one it looked like a shadow but no one was in my house and it kind of looked like a girl

  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My house IS haunted!!!!!!!!!!! By two ghosts 1. Shadow ghosts and 2. Disembodied ones!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got to get outta here!!!!!! *runs out if the house and you never see me again* (because I turned into s wolf and joined a pack!)

  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My house IS haunted!!!!!!!!!!! By two ghosts 1. Shadow ghosts and 2. Disembodied ones!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got to get outta here!!!!!! *runs out if the house and you never see me again* (because I turned into s wolf and joined a pack!)

  • i think i answed yes to one question, not haunted

    liked what Actress97 said

  • OMG Kish i love ur quizes! I'm SUCH a big fan! MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED, [shadow ghost].

  • Woah..I got...all of the ghost but most was shadow unhaunted... I knew it...somehow..whoa XD fun quiz


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