Is your friendship toxic?!

Do you think your friend is being a little mean and distant and want to know if they are toxic? This is the quiz for you! I hope your friendship isn’t toxic! But I hope you enjoy this quiz!

Make sure to tell the truth. Your friendship is hopefully a good one, and I wish the best! Have fun with this easy quiz to find out if your friends are being toxic. They prob just jealous of you!

Created by: SLAYYQUEEN
  1. Do they tease you a lot in a non-joking way?
  2. Do they make you feel guilty for saying no to what they tell you to do?
  3. Do they ignore you a lot?
  4. Do they act meaner around more popular people or their crush or friends?
  5. You just accomplished something amazing! Your friends reaction is:
  6. Do they steal your ideas?
  7. Do they judge you a lot?
  8. Can you be yourself around them?
  9. Do they make fun of your religion/sexuality/gender?
  10. How often do they have fights with you?

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Quiz topic: Is my friendship toxic?!

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