Is You a Octopus?

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Are you a true octapus is it time to jojnvthe octawewe its time to find out take this quiz and be amazed (I'm not a great speller so please don't freak out if its not perfect)?

This is my first quiz so please do it and be amazed do you want to here more from me let me know at [no emails] I love being silly so its fun and enjoyable!!!

Created by: BIGSISTER
  1. How many legs do you have?
  2. Do you like water?
  3. Do you like sea food?
  4. Are you sane
  5. Is the plural of octopus octopi?
  6. Is pizza amazing?
  7. Do you write with an ink pen?
  8. Are wadfles are amazing?
  9. Was this a good quiz.
  10. BY BY

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