Is this a legally blonde quote or something my friends said

This quiz is to test your legally blonde knowledge. Do you have what it takes to avoid the jerk, save the fitness queen, and look stunning doing it? Probably not.

Also my friends are pretty stupid but I love them I hope you get as much amusement of I do at their wonderful quotes . #savethewalruses #tusksandblubber

Created by: Walrus lover 47
  1. "This is Harvard not a stripper bar"
  2. No song would drop my panties in middle school
  3. Strap me in and shoot me
  4. This man is gay AND European
  5. You can't just come in here with singing and dancing and ethnic movements
  6. You screamed like you saw a bird
  7. I think his chest is waxed
  8. Ehmogawd I'm gonna cry
  9. Now that a man chose you your life begins today
  10. Its okay to have fun in the bathroom sometimes

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