Is there a ghost** in my house?

My quiz might scare people, i know from many ghostly encounters that ghosts are harmless and sweet:) when you encouner a ghost just act as if they are a living being.

Ghosts look like they did when they died and they may appear mean or scary, do not worry. Their as strong as air. see? nothing to be affraid of my friends.

Created by: notsaying
  1. Have you ever had something somewhere and a few minuts/seconds/hours/days later its somewhere else?
  2. Do you ever hear doors open or close without a human or animal doing it?
  3. Do you hear talking or moaning or crying during the night and its not a loved one that is alive?
  4. Do you ever see a foggy outline of a human/animal or see fully a human/animal you dont know or that resemble a loved one?
  5. How many ghosts do you think are in your home?
  6. are you affraid of these supernatral beings?
  7. Have you ever seen a ghost that is a deceased family member?
  8. have you ever seen your lights flicker
  9. do you ever feel cold at a certain place that has a fog figure or a ghost you can see?
  10. rate this quiz (wont affect your score)

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