Is Killer Jungkook Coming for You?

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There is a killer on the loose. Nobody knows if they're safe or not. He is only known to kill and be ruthless about it. Once the golden maknae of BTS, he now has turned evil.

He will stop at nothing to kill the people he has been told to kill. Are you safe? Take this quiz to find out. He may not even know who you are, but he'll find you.

Created by: JiminStan
  1. Do you get scared easily?
  2. Are you Paranoid?
  3. Do You Fear Death?
  4. What scares you?
  5. Do you prefer...
  6. Choose
  7. Do you like to draw?
  8. Have you ever wanted to kill someone?
  9. Have you ever heard of Killer Jungkook/Bunny?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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