Is karma Akabane or nagisa shiota your bestie

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Many have done "would karma date you " or something like that I'm adding them as best friends (bff level) who knows one might even have a crush on you

Mostly for AC (assassination Classroom) peeps out there if you haven't watched it I don't recommend taking it plus if you get both that means something.

Created by: Creepypastakit666
  1. Which animal do you like better
  2. What color is your favorite
  3. How would you hang out
  4. How do you fight
  5. last but not least what do you agree with
  6. What do you prefer
  7. Are you depressed?
  8. Who would you want?
  9. Does blood taste good?
  10. LAST BUT NOT LEAST Did you like the quiz

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Quiz topic: Is karma Akabane or nagisa shiota my bestie
