Would you be my bestie? (girls)

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Could you be my bestie? Let´s find out! Just take this quiz, and you will se, if we could be besties. Or we could be just friends? What are you waiting for, let´s play!

Your results can be: Small friend, just friend, and bestie. This quiz is for girls, so if you´re boy, you should try different quiz. There are 10 questions and this quiz was created in 2023. Bye!

Created by: Mouse
  1. What´s your harry potter house?
  2. How old are you now, in 2023?
  3. Describe yourself
  4. Do you like hamsters?
  5. What´s best in your opinion?
  6. Where are you from?
  7. Are you ready for results?
  8. Are you girl?
  9. What is the best country?
  10. What colour are your eyes?

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