Is Justin your type?

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Well i always wonder how much Justin Bieber would love me if he saw me soo i did research and i think that its about time everyone did. Now you can see if you could ever have a future with him or be is best friend.

But if you already know the answer. Double check and see also the quiz is a bit of fun its multiple hoice so you pick what answer to choose. Enjoy Good luck.

Created by: jessie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone was wearing the same outfit as you at a party would you:
  2. If you liked the same boy/girl as your friend but the boy/girl asked you out would you:
  3. If you had invited a friend to your party but then fell out with them but its rude to uninvite them so you:
  4. How many friends do you have.
  5. How many things do u have of Justin Bieber.
  6. What would you do for Justin.
  7. What theme would you have at Justins wedding.
  8. Whats the longest youve been on the phone.
  9. Whats the first thing you would say to Justin Bieber.
  10. What would you buy justin for his birthday.

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Quiz topic: Is Justin my type?