Is he interested in you?

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There are many fishes in the water but what if when you want to catch that one special fish, it slips out of your hands? Maybe you think that he is 'the one'..but whats wrong to confirm? Maybe he is just a friend or maybe he really is interested in you!

Do your words mesmerize him? Does your smile erase all his pain? Do your drops of tears bring him sorrow ? Is he your prince charming? Its hard to figure out all the answers yourself..isnt it? But dont worry! We are here for you to get to know the hidden feelings of your close one! Just answer a few simple questions and we will be ready with our answers! So just sit back and start answering!!

Created by: Chitrarupa Banerjee

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he playfully shove or hit you?
  2. Does he often compliment you?
  3. Have u ever caught him staring at you?
  4. Does he have a girlfriend ?
  5. Does he ever talk to you about other girls?
  6. Does he playfully want to touch you?
  7. Does he always stick to you?
  8. Do his besties tease him or make faces at him when u come around?
  9. Whats your impression about him?
  10. Do you thing that he is interested in you?

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