is he a cheater

Sorry I am sure there are other boys out there who will accept u for who u are so keep looking u will get there soon so I hope u find who u are looking for

Good job her likes u for who u are sovif I was u I say he is a keeper keep him as long as possible i would keep him if u like him ok if nit find the one

Created by: Brooklyn
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Dose your boyfriend ever talk to another girl and start hanging with her instead of you?
  2. Dose he ever call u
  3. Dose he give u stuff on holidays
  4. What dose he mainly do
  5. Has he ever kissed someone else with out telling g u
  6. Dose he ever ask u to hang
  7. How many times do he blow u off
  8. Dose he hang with boys or girls
  9. Dose he do what u want or what he wants
  10. Have u ever been with him around other girls

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