Is he REALLY a cheater?

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Cheating can be extremely hurtful and horrible. It indicates that something about the relationship is either wrong or just not good enough. Many are doing it out of depression and anxiety.

Others cheat because they are bored. This is WRONG! If you think your man has been cheating on you, take this quick quiz and find out. You'll be SHOCKED by your final result!

Created by: Danielle Shackleford

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does he do around girls?
  2. Does he ever tell you where he's going and why?
  3. Do you guys often argue and/or break out in a fight?
  4. Is he still in contact with any of his exes?
  5. Does he ever tell you that he loves you very much?
  6. Have you considered going on the Cheaters TV show because of your concerns?
  7. Is he with you just for the sex?
  8. Your favourite thing about him is:
  9. Does he ever accuse you of cheating?
  10. If another guy tells you he loves you, and you're not single, what do you do?
  11. Do you ever snoop through stuff on your guy's mobile phone?
  12. Be honest. Are you a lesbian?
  13. Are you SURE he's a cheater?

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