Is Ben Barnes your soulmate?

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Nothing special though it's just 4am and I'm bored and tired 😎mwah but also I wanna apologize for not being able to think about some non-binary terms. 3

I have to fill this one too oh my god why do I do this STOP. Don't cry over the toast pls. Castaways.We are castaways.How many characters left? Yes fine fanks bye😩

Created by: Valen bcs I'm cool
  1. Tulipans, Roses, or Sunshines?
  2. Chose your favourite instrument!<3
  3. Chose one of these artists, if you don't listen to them that's fine, JUST CHOSE ??!??!!!!?!<33
  4. If someone told you they like you and you didn't, what would you do
  5. Who would you like to be in the future
  6. If you had the chance to meet ANYONE, who would it be
  7. Do you like scary things?
  8. Pick one if you're picky that's on you<3
  9. What's your favourite trope<3 can't think about much huh😔
  10. Who do you like more

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Quiz topic: Is Ben Barnes my soulmate?
