IQ Test (What is your IQ)

To truly master yourself you must know yourself. This does not mean that you must know what you look like or know what you would pick in a given situation. You must know your brains. You must know your IQ.

Let’s start out simple. What does IQ mean? What does it stand for? IQ stands for Intelligence Quotient. That basically just means the overall score of you smartness. “Intelligence Quotient” ”Smart Score” In this this test you will find out what your IQ is.

Created by: Coodon
  1. Who is your brother’s daughter’s brother?
  2. There are four sheep on a farm. You take two, a beggar takes one. How many sheep are left in your possession?
  3. 48 divided by 1/2 plus 8
  4. What is a polygon?
  5. How many 2 cent stamps are in a dozen?
  6. Some months have 30 days, some months have 31. How many months have 28 days?
  7. 1000 + 40 + 1000 + 30 + 1000 + 20 + 1000 + 10 =
  8. When rolling two six sided dice what are the chances of the sum of the two numbers to be seven?
  9. How many 4 number combinations are there which the numbers 1-9?
  10. 1+ 2 + 3 + 4 ... 10 =

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Quiz topic: IQ Test (What is my IQ)