Intelligence quiz | Comments

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  • I say this quiz is good, not bad. These are the reasons why this quiz should be taken:

    1. Has weighing and hard questions.
    2. Questions, opening and ending are related.

    However , these are reasons why this quiz shouldn't be taken:

    1. Too much excessive capitals and punctutations.

    2. Limited answers and bad choices.

    3. More than one result which isn't good for intelligence quizzes.

    4. Guessed everything and got the best result.

    5. Too lame and informal.

    Here is some info: Intelligence is not about what people currently know, it doesn't ask these types of questions. Intelligence is how someone reacts towards a new knowledge and quickly learns from it. See you soon!

  • Ah, yes, because intelligence can only be determined by a set of vocabulary-related questions that deal with the sciences. Obviously.


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