Infection Survival Quiz

Most people believe thay would do fairly well in an infection outbreak, but that's also what people say about swine-flu. "Oh, there's no way I'm gonna catch it!" And BAM! The next morning you're all stuffy nosed and lying in bed thinking of the irony of it all.

Well, this quiz will prove if you have what it takes to survive in an outbreak. If you can, good for you. If you can't, well... we'll get to that later. But for now, no one knows. Only you can tell. GIve honest answers because I will know if you aren't. Trust me, I will

Created by: Mike
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hypothetical: You're surrounded by 30 infected. Your have a shotgun with 4 shells. What do you do?
  2. You have made a safe house in what location?
  3. What close quarters combat weapon do you perfer?
  4. What medium-to-long range weapon do you perfer?
  5. How many people would you have in your survival group?
  6. What vehicle would you use?
  7. What air/land vehicle would you use?
  8. When do you leave the safe house to search for supplies?
  9. Who would you bring with you to a safe house?
  10. Where will you be when the infection ends?

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