So... I wanted to make a list of my alts... and I thought a quiz for my alts would be cool... yuo still here? Anyway, my current alt is: EvictedMuffin So, if you know my other alt, you're thinking: what happened to MarshMellowy? Apparently, the password got leaked in a data leak... so, I can’t login to MarshMellowy anymore.

:((Filler: the first time in a row is a good game and a good idea but the only reason I get this game I would have never been able to get it out for a few

Created by: Vxrified
  1. So, guys, I want everyone to know who my alts (at the moment) are...
  2. so.... filler
  3. :)
  4. Bad quiz!
  5. :)
  6. :(
  7. ;(
  8. ekeifhij
  9. nsckso is m)
  10. :)

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