im gonna create a new account qwq

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hEllO mY nAmE iS zUzIe, tHaTs ZuZiE wHit a "Z" aNd sO i sAy SuSiE oRiGinAlItY. mY mOm tOlD mE i WoUlD bE tHe CoOlEsT, aNd iF pEoPlE dOnT LiKe iT tHey'll jUsT bE fOoLiSh, yA!

Really lazy to put text in that paragraph so, hi! Im Lia as you know and im gonna create a new account because this account is pure s---- I mean, its boring.

Created by: LiaTheBearOwO
  1. hi :D
  2. like the title says, im gonna create a new acc
  3. why? because this account to me is kinda ✨B O R I N G✨
  4. I will restart again my gtq life :D and if I can I will put in my new account my old quizzes I like (most of them are cringe-)
  5. I wont be active in Quotev this summer, sorry. Ill try to be more active in GoToQuiz :3
  6. I dont have anything else to say
  7. and some annoying kids are playing tennis and they are gonna break my window whit the f---ing ball
  8. anyways, bye have a good day, evening or night nwn
  9. im too much attached to this TikTok song :0
  10. hEllO mY nAmE iS zUzIe, tHaTs ZuZiE wHit a "Z"
  11. ok now, bye nwn

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