If you were invisible. what would you do?

Invisible or not, you will enjoy this quiz! It will challenge your mind and you will have fun!!!!! The answers may vary so please take it over and over

This quiz will let you know if you are invisible or not (just pretend if you are). Tell your friends to take it too! They will want to know if they are invisible or not!

Created by: Charlie Ein
  1. Are you male or female?
  2. What age are you?
  3. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
  4. If you called for your mom, when she came in the room what would she do?
  5. If you turn on the TV in the living room and someone is watching, what would they do?
  6. You walk into your sisters room and scream while she is sleeping, what does she do?
  7. You start building LEGOs. Your friend walks into the room, and looks. what does he/she do?
  8. You are driving the car and your kids are in the back seat, what do they do when the car starts moving?
  9. What is your favorite video game?
  10. What is your favorite school subject?

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