If you want to take this quiz go ahead #2

This is a quiz unlike most others because it has a 2 in it's name. This will test your endurence for random questions. Like the name says you can take this quiz if you want

Do you have the endurence to complete all the strange questions. There are 18 new questions can you complete them. If anyone is wondering i am the one who created the first one

Created by: evan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy sitting around doing nothing
  2. did you take the first quiz of this
  3. Do you like pie
  4. do you hate being hungry
  5. to let all the new people know all the questions randomly affect you
  6. i am board are you
  7. Does anyone know who Alyson Hannigan is
  8. Wich do you think came first the chicken or the egg
  9. do you think this quiz is fun
  10. Do you like potatos
  11. Do you like fast food reastraunts or sit down wait for your food reastraunts
  12. what kind of movies do you like
  13. do you or did you hate school
  14. do you want this quiz to end
  15. Are you a nice person
  16. Do you like going outside
  17. Do you think this quiz is long
  18. Good bye miss you. if you liked this quiz try the 3rd quiz

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