I will make you peeeee your pants!

Will I make you pee? Take this quiz to find out! I have many questions and they are hard to do if you need to pee. There are some one that require movement, so I have added a option to skip those.

I really hope that you like my quiz! I worked really hard on it. If I stole someone else’s ideas i am sorry. I did not mean to. Hope you can forgive me!

Created by: IStoleYourToast
  1. First, how much do you need to pee?
  2. Put a lot of toilet paper in your underwear. You’ll thank me later.
  3. Sit down on a hard surface. Spread open your legs and push as hard as you can.
  4. Now go have five glasses of water. Big ones! Come back in 30 minutes. How do you feel?
  5. Stand up and spread open your legs. Relax everything. Put a towel under you.
  6. Take a break. Sit down and just relax. Think of the color yellow. What do up you see?
  7. You are on a long road trip. You didn’t use the toilet before you left. All of a sudden you need to pee. You tell the driver but they say the next stop isn’t until 20 more minutes. You wait until you can’t hold it anymore. It’s 5 minutes until the stop arrives. You…
  8. How did the story make you feel?
  9. Go to the toilet and do everything you would usually do. But don’t pee!
  10. Push on your bladder ten times as hard as you can.
  11. Go have five more big cups of water and come back in 30 minutes. How do you feel?
  12. Do ten jumping jacks.
  13. Think of a water fall. Think how it flows down the hill.
  14. Go to the bathroom and sit down on the toilet with your clothes. Turn on all sources of water.
  15. If there isn’t a bathroom available listen to water sounds on youtube for a minute
  16. Stand up Push as hard as you can on your bladder whilst you are pretending to poop.
  17. Did you like my quiz?
  18. Go pee. You’ve earned it.

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Quiz topic: I will make you peeeee my pants!

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