Are u my type? Or just friends

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Are u my type? I have no idea. If I sent u this I’m either genuinely curious, or just want u to take the test for some reason. You will be asked about different things, good luck

You could be put in:YAAAAAA, ur fine, medium, eh not really, NOPE or FCK NO. Some questions require an answer, some say skip at the bottom. Tag me in ur results!

Created by: Helokrenia of Google clasroom
(your link here more info)
  1. How would u love me?
  2. What gifts would u give me?
  3. What gender r u?
  4. Are u any of these?
  6. Music type?
  7. Fav colour?
  8. Hair colour?
  9. If u were to kill one person, who would it be?
  10. If the earth is a cube, what would I need under my left toe which is made out of red?

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