I will make you pee!

This quiz will make you pee! Don't believe me? Why don't you try it out? By the way, it's ok if you pee. You shouldn't get embarrassed by little things like peeing.

Here are the things you'll need: Clean clothes, a glass, a towel, access to the bathroom. And I think that's all. Good luck, you'll need it! Try not to pee!

Created by: UnitedKingdom769YT
  1. Ok, let's get this started. Firstly, how badly do you need to pee?
  2. Alright, for the first test, rub your bladder. How's it feeling/looking?
  3. Next, drink some water for 5-10 seconds. Bladder condition?
  4. Now get a glass. Make sure it's empty. Put as much water as it can hold in it. Then place it in front of your private parts. And then start pouring it into the sink or the toilet to simulate your bladder letting the pee out.
  5. While you're in the bathroom, sit on the toilet fully clothed. Think about water splashing against water. How'd that make your bladder feel?
  6. Ok, now how much do you have to pee?
  7. A good "I can make you pee quiz" isn't an "I can make you pee quiz" without a story! So read this: You are on holiday in Thailand. There is a certain waterfall you are particularly interested in. But once you angle it correctly, the sunlight makes the water yellow. It suddenly makes you need to pee. All the bathrooms are taken/out of order.You know you can't hold on to it any longer. What do you do?
  8. If you are a boy, dip your hand/private part into warm water. If you are a girl, dip your hand/private part (If that's even possible) in cold water.
  9. If you were your bladder, what would you be saying?
  10. How much pee could you add to your bladder before it's full?
  11. Here's a real challenge: Pee. But there's a catch: You cannot do it in a toilet. Where shall you pee?
  12. Thanks for playing!

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