I will make you happy!

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Are you feeling stressed, mad, upset, unhappy, depressed, worried or agitated? Take my quiz. I think I can help you. Wait a moment! I know I can help you.

An mothaíonn tú faoi strus, fearg, trína chéile, míshásta, dubhach, buartha nó trína chéile? Tóg mo thráth na gceist. Sílim gur féidir liom cabhrú leat. Fan nóiméad! Tá a fhios agam gur féidir liom cabhrú. (That’s Irish!)

Created by: Claire
  1. The things you’ll need: some colored pens/pencils/crayons, paper, and a cozy place to be.
  2. Now, write this as many times as possible: I love myself I love myself I love myself I love myself
  3. Then, draw a person. Someone warm and inviting. An imaginary friend or just a loving character. Someone you can tell all your problems to.
  4. And now, tell them why you’re feeling so down. Let it all out.
  5. Maybe you’ve got a pet (fluffy) or a doll or a family member nearby. If so, give them a big hug.
  6. Now, draw yourself with your comforting character doing something you love.
  7. And now, relax. Maybe with a heating pad.
  8. This way, you’re calm, relaxed and happy.
  9. Imagine you with your comforting character or your family or a friend doing something you love. Something that makes you happy!
  10. And when you hear those bad thoughts or that mean voice or whatever is making you unhappy, say, “YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO MAKE ME UPSET! I WILL NOT LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE!”
  11. And by then, you will probably be happy, fulfilled, relaxed, and calm.
  12. Those are the most important things
  13. Rate? Comments?
  14. Bye

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