MBTI Cognitive Functions Test

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Hi! This is a cognitive functions test. I will use it to determine your four-letter MBTI type. There are 16 different types, but obviously, your type does not determine your entire personality! It is just how your brain works. My four-letter type is ENFP, but not all ENFPs are the same. Each and every person, no matter what type, is different.

Please, take this with a grain of salt. I am not a professional psychologist or something. I have only studied cognitive functions for a few months or so. But still, this is probably better than those 4-letter tests that determine your type by letter percentages rather than cognitive functions! (By the way, the letters at the beginning of the questions are for me to remember if that question is a perception function or a judging function!) Also, try not to click neutral too much, and BE HONEST!

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  1. P: Choose the one that sounds the most like you.
  2. J: Choose the one that sounds the most like you.
  3. P: I like to keep my options open.
  4. P: I like to stick with one plan for the future, and if it changes, I am irritated.
  5. P: I am present in the moment.
  6. P: I usually think about my past experiences.
  7. J: I like to express my logic verbally.
  8. J: I like to express my emotions verbally.
  9. J: I act based on my personal logic.
  10. J: I act based on my opinions and emotions.

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