I'll give you a picture

I hope you enjoy this quiz. It took me forever. So Be nice and like it. Please be nice. Please. I really don't know what to say. So Bye. thanks. Bye. I like you.

I'm back. Why does this thing take forever to fill. So... do you have any good crushes. Sorry, I'm a girl and have lots of crushes. Pray for me. Thanks.

Created by: Abigail
  1. Favorite thing to do.
  2. Favorite color out of these.
  3. Favorite season
  4. Do you play an instrument
  5. Favorite hairstyles.
  6. Do you like flowers. If not you shouldn't be doing this quiz.
  7. Can you draw
  8. Do you read books often?
  9. Enjoy
  10. Bye

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