I judge you based on your answers

Here is a quiz where I will judge you. This quiz took a long time to make because there was no wifi on my bus so I couldn't work on it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy


Created by: Vivian K
  1. I know this is basic but it REALLY matters. What is your favorite color. (normal)
  2. What is your favorite color (specific)
  3. which music genre do you listen to the most?
  4. what is your favorite brainrot phrase
  5. which Roblox game did you play the most 2 years ago
  6. SPEED ROUND: Do you wear socks to bed?
  7. SPEED ROUND: Do you sleep with lights on (lamp, fairy lights, lights etc)
  8. What's the best basic ice cream flavor?
  9. Kendrick or Drake
  10. gojo?
  11. SPEED ROUND: cats or dogs?

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Quiz topic: I judge you based on my answers
