I hate America The Quiz

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Do you ever feel like everyone is losing their minds with politcial divide, and everyone is disconnected, The quiz is just the thing for you worries. Enjoy the quiz

I dont hate America. I hate pretty much everyone young or old, Hate tech or love tech, red or blue partys or even Chihristianity or Satanism. ITs everything that i hate about the North America right now.

Created by: Jonathan
  1. Whos the worst generation that always blaming millenials for pretty much anything wrong in America?
  2. Whats is the most dumbest generation in America Right Now?
  3. Which Bank Caused the 2008 Financial Crisis?
  4. Who won the 2016 US Presidential Election?
  5. Whats is the most annoying social media app compelety hijacked short attention spans and zombieification of Americans?
  6. Who started the Okay Boomer Discrimation Meme?
  7. Which one bad trend that has taken over the country in 2017?
  8. Do You think that America Has not been the same country since Twin Towers have been destroyed and theres more divide in ever?
  9. Do you think everyone is now staying in their homes thanks to stupid team loyalty to red or blue mentality or playing video games?
  10. Is Climate Change is just one big green social conditioning machine to buy an electric car that would save the forest?
  11. Whos hate the Sigma male Community or Tiktok Trendshoppers the same as me?

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