I GOT - AI - TO MAKE A QUIZ: Are You a Galactic Superstar?

I am very bored so I decided to teach the AI how the scoring system works and all the things it had to do! So, here is the quiz “are you a galactic superstar”

Get ready to blast off on an adventure through the cosmos and discover if you have what it takes to be a Galactic Superstar! As a Galactic Superstar, you're a true space traveler, always on the lookout for new worlds to explore, new alien species to meet, and new challenges to conquer.But being a Galactic Superstar isn't just about having a sense of adventure – it's also about being curious, brave, and quick-witted. You'll need to navigate through asteroid fields, avoid hostile aliens, and solve puzzles to save the galaxy from certain doom.So, are you up for the challenge? Take this quiz to find out if you have what it takes to become a Galactic Superstar!

Created by: Wideweir
  1. Are you a morning person?
  2. Do you have a pet?
  3. Are you a fan of 80s rock music?
  4. Can you cook?
  5. Are you good at video games?
  6. Do you like trying new foods?
  7. Can you speak more than one language?
  8. Are you an early adopter of new technology?
  9. Can you solve puzzles?
  10. Would you rather travel to space or go on a road trip across the country?

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Quiz topic: I GOT - AI - TO MAKE A QUIZ: am I a Galactic Superstar?
