i can make you pee!

hi! most questions were by chatgpt! thanks to openai for it! so this quiz might make you pee. if you wore a diaper hah you lucky! so rate this and i hope you enyoyed! [the nexxt paroghaph is from chatgpt!]

Welcome to the I Can Make You Pee! quiz! Are you ready to test your bladder’s limits and see if you can hold it together, or will you end up soaked? This quiz is designed to challenge you with intense actions, questions, and scenarios that push your bladder to the breaking point. You’ll face a series of tasks that could make you squirm or even force you to lose control. So, grab a drink, get comfortable (but not too comfortable!), and prepare to put your bladder to the ultimate test. The goal is simple: Can you hold it, or will you give in to the pressure? Let’s find out!

Created by: dexter_dragon474
  1. ok welcome! first how much do you need to pee?
  2. drink 2 cups of water. tell me how you feel!
  3. Have you had anything to drink recently?
  4. Stand up and do 20 jumping jacks. How do you feel now?
  5. Fill a bowl with water, put your hands in it, and swirl it around. How do you feel now?
  6. . Drink one big cup of water in 30 seconds, then wait 5 minutes. How do you feel?
  7. time for the part you have to pee!
  8. You’ve held it for this long—pee for 15 seconds. How bad is the mess?
  9. Pee for 7 seconds. How wet are you now?
  10. (P.S. Most of this quiz was created with the help of ChatGPT!) What were you wearing while taking this quiz?

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