I can guess your hair color | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz I can guess your hair color.
Brown. Correctumundo :)
My hair is not red brown its dark brown sorry u got it wrong
I have blond only me and my sis have blond it said I had brown
WTF I have Red hair and it said Blonde
Craziest1 -
I got red hair when i really truly have DIRTY BLOND HAIR! WTF!
1232941 -
What the f*** I have red hair not blond
It said my hair was blonde!!! It's black!
You were right - I have black hair. How the hell does this works? :D
Santana1 -
got it wrong. said i was brown or dark-brown and said i wasnt even close to auburn (brown-red) which i actually am. ;P
Good. I have got black hair.
Brown corredt
Haley3101 -
Brown..ur right!
I got brown but I have black hair
suck it your wrong
wrong my hair is brown!
they said im blonde but im brown-black
sam5111 -
my hair is not blonde it is brown
My hair is redish brownish. I got brown. 0__o
ayeeee1 -
My hair is redish brownish. I got brown. 0__o
ayeeee1 -
Brown? Huh Wrong !!! I'm ginger duh lol
Mine was wrong it said I have blonde hair, I have BROWN HAIR
Love your profile name!!!!
It's sweet!! -
Love your profile name!!!!
It's sweet!! -
Red, I have black :P