I can guess if you are a girl or boy!!!

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Can i really guess if your a boy or girl? click in to find out if i can REALLY guess your gender. And please this is my first time doing a quiz so it is probably VERY BAD!!!

ALSO PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON TIC TOK!!! @Andjelka3112 I NEED MORE FANS!!! also if i get the boy or girl quiz wrong please let me know so that i can not make the same mistake in the future!

Created by: Andjelka
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite superhero?
  3. Do you like boys or girls?
  4. Do you like guns or dolls?
  5. Do you wear earrings?
  6. Do girls rule or boys rule
  7. is this quiz good so far?
  8. Do you have Tic Tok? (Also follow me @Andjelka3112)
  9. Are you going to follow me?
  10. Do you think i am a girl or boy

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